22:00 Flink
23:45 Orkidea
01:30 UMEK
22:00 Milla Lehto
00:00 Concha
02:00 Illschnitzell
Clinic ryhtyy ajoissa kaamosmasennusta ehkäiseviin toimiin tuodessaan perjantaina 16. marraskuuta Fredan Tivoliin pitkään ja hartaasti Suomeen odotetun slovenialaisartistin UMEK:n. Tämä 90 -luvun puolivälistä saakka keikkaillut ja studiossa viihtynyt herra on vuosia kestäneellä urallaan onnistunut nousemaan erääksi teknon keskeisimmistä hahmoista pysyen vuodesta toiseen ajan hermolla tuotoksillaan.
Vuonna 2007 UMEK ryhtyin lisäksi pyörittämään 1605 Music Therapy -levy-yhtiötään joka on 4 vuodessa noussut todella merkittäväksi tekijäksi teknon ja tech housen saralla julkaisemalla sekä tunnettujen artistien, että uusien nousevien kykyjen tuotoksia jatkuvalla sykkeellä – parhaimmillaan tahti on ollut jopa viikottaista!
Illan päätähdelle tanssilattian esilämmittelyn hoitavat sen suurempia esittelyjä kaipaamaton, eittämättä kotimaan tunnetuin DJ; Orkidea sekä vakituisen jalansijan Suomen tekno ja house -menoissa ottaneen mm. Playgroundin vakikasvo Flink.
Pienemmällä puolella musasta vastaa Suomen suosituin naisdj Milla Lehto, joka on resident DJ mm. Aftr Hours, Aces sekä Pussy klubeilla. Hänen lisäkseen stagen tech housemmasta annista vastaa After Hours residentti Concha, sekä kovaa nousua tekevä tech house duo Illschnitzell, joka pyörittää erittäin suosittua Techstruction torstai-iltaa Venuella (elokuussa klubi siirtyy uuteen Playgroundiin Venuen alakertaan).

CLINIC proudly presents UMEK (SI)
UMEK (1605, SI)
Orkidea (Pacifique, Jack, Unity)
Flink (Playground)
Milla Lehto (After Hours, Aces, Pussy eau de Club)
Concha (After Hours)
Illschnitzell (Techstruction)
Tea & Severi (Unity, Jack)
VJ Klaustrophobia
Precision Audio Premium double system
Friday 16.11.2012 // 22:00-04:00 // Age 18
Fredan Tivoli
Fredrikinkatu 51-53
00100 Helsinki
18€ before 23:00, after 20€
Early Bird:
12€ + bf 1,2€ (total price 13,2€ + service fee) only 100 ticket or till 16.6.2012, from Tiketti, http://www.tiketti.fi
15€ + bf 1,2€ (total price 16,2€ + service fee) from Tiketti, http://www.tiketti.fi
15€ from Cybershop (Kamppi, Steissi)
VIP tickets: (only 100 ticket for sale)
25 € + bf 1,2€ (total price 26,2€ + service fee) from Tiketti, http://www.tiketti.fi
-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue
-Special gift @ Tivoli (ask from ticket seller)
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)
SUPER VIP ticket only from email: vip@clinic.fi
550€ SUPER VIP for 10 people (only 5 table for sale)
SUPER VIP ticket includes:
-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue and escorting to the table
-Table reserved for all night next to the stage
-1 bottle of vodka + mixers, 2 bottles of sparkling wine
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance @ Playground (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)
This party is in association with Precision Audio & Club Venue

UMEK bio
For a long time, Slovenia has been known for its great electronic parties, but as the local scene is of boutique dimensions, everyone who wishes to take the art of mixing and producing to a professional level, has to go out there and enter the worldwide scene. UMEK has done this step as early as in the middle of the 90s and so he became one of the most important techno players of the global techno scene, even before the end of the last millennium. Together with people, who shared the same views, he successfully captured the first era of researching and recreating the rules of the dance music in Recycled Loops, Consumer Recreation and Astrodisco platforms, which all put the sound of the Slovenian techno on the world map of electronic music.
In the beginning of the year 2007, UMEK started a new 1605 Music Therapy - Sixteenofive, with which he marked the beginning of the second era of his music creation and what an era it is! After 4 years the label is tagged as a great success and is one of the world’s fastest growing techno labels, which spawns releases and new talents almost every week.
Year 2011 started for UMEK as none before! First, and interesting documentary, named “Techno heavy-weights UMEK & Carl Cox in back to back interview” was released and was aplauded by UMEK's audience and shared tremendously over the internet and social networks. In February, UMEK was again nominated on the Beatport Music Awards, this time as a best artist overall, along with the likes of David Guetta, Deadmau5, Mark Knight. He won by staff pick and is 2011’s Beatport’s Best artist.
Numerous UMEK’s releases and remixes alerady pounding the Beatport Techno and Tech House Chart (on 1605 and other world-renowned labels), and the crown jewel of 2011 – already favourite among the millions of listeners across the globe – his own radio show, wittily titled “Behind The Iron Curtain”, featuring upcoming talents, legendary tracks from the past, best on [1605] and more. All these facts, along with the vast number of tour dates are the best proof that UMEK stays focused on his primary goal – making and selecting high quality productions that stand out from the rest and bringing his sound closer to people all around the world.