rubiX >> yelLOVE << 21.4.2012 @ Turku

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Posts: 52

#1 • • Edited rubiX

deep-house, tech-house, techno; from TURKU

join: rubiX PODCAST


Posts: 52

#2 • • rubiX
Taidetta lisäilty, by LANK.

miinwail: PIG & DAN

deep-house, tech-house, techno; from TURKU

join: rubiX PODCAST


Posts: 52

#3 • • Edited rubiX
Ensimmäisenä esittelyssä Forehard Järvenpäästä.

Jarno Ruusuvuori aka Forehard born in 1982 found electronic music in the early ´90. His biggest influences are Aphex Twin and Jeff Mills who gave him a reason to dig deeper into the pit of the electronic music.
”I bought my turntables in 2003 and since 2004 I’ve had gigs mostly around Helsinki area. After founding X-rust organization I’ve also played in Turku.”
Forehard plays mostly techno and house music ranging from the old to the newest bits. ”When it comes to house music, the dirtier the better!”

deep-house, tech-house, techno; from TURKU

join: rubiX PODCAST


Posts: 52

#5 • • Edited rubiX
Ja toisena esittelyssä dcom.

Nuutti-Iivari Meriläinen aka dcom was born immersed into a world of music, starting with classical music studies and playing several traditional instruments before his teen years. His interest towards electronic dance music and away from more traditional forms was initiated by a trip to Ibiza in 1989, where experiencing the raw intensity of acid house and deepness of new beat kicked off an obsession that has gradually filled up his record shelves and built up his distinctly individual and eclectic taste.

After debuting as a DJ in the early 90s in his home town of Tampere dcom has cemented his reputation as a constantly evolving, solid and sharp-skilled performer playing in events of all sizes around Finland, eventually moving to Turku in 2005. Probably best known for his brutal techno and electro sets, his wide range of available genres (among others) also includes IDM, ambient, and fierce, unrelenting dubstep.

dcom has never been a favourite of the crowds, but as a highly skilled and stubbornly individual DJ still playing only vinyl he has carved a personal niche for himself in the Finnish electronic dance music scene. After almost twenty years of deejaying, and never one to follow trends, he still keeps on instinctively violating expectations with his dark electronic soundscapes.

A selection of archived sets and mixes by dcom can be found at .

deep-house, tech-house, techno; from TURKU

join: rubiX PODCAST


Posts: 52

#6 • • rubiX
Two days left:

deep-house, tech-house, techno; from TURKU

join: rubiX PODCAST


Posts: 52

#7 • • rubiX
Huhheijjaa, ehtii tännekkin palautetta vääntämään..

Aivan törkeen kovat setit Vierailta, Suuuuri Kiitos Herrat dcom & Forehard!! *super*
Kyllä sai taas Vintin lattialaudat kyytiä! *joo*

Tästä on hyvä taas painaa eteenpäin, eikä kauaa tarvii rubiX-vieroitusoireista kärsiä, sillä jo vajaan parinviikon päästä on jälleen aika kiivetä Vintille! *jiihaa*

Vieraaksi saapuu Herra jonka viimekertaisesta Turun keikasta onkin jo aiiiivan liian kauan aikaa!

5.5 rubiX ylpeänä esittää, Dj Eliot Ness!!

deep-house, tech-house, techno; from TURKU

join: rubiX PODCAST

Henry Swell

Posts: 258

#8 • • Edited Henry Swell Cielå
rubiXin parhaita puolia on ollut se että aina tulee kuultua ns. "uusia" nimiä jotka kyllä laittavat lattialaudat tärisemään, ja veikkaampa että 5.5 ei tärinä ainakaan vähene... :D