Introvert - Inner Horizons (albumi)

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#1 • • Edited introvert focussed inwards to the soul

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Inner Horizons is debut album from Jukka Varis under artist name Introvert - music project which has been around from 2003. Sound is diverse, roughly put together, natural warm electronics where instruments have life of their own forming interesting melodic adventures. Inner Horizons is colorful journey through seasons powered by psychedelics of infinite mirror images from timeless dusty sundowns. This is what Introvert is about right now after all these years.

I wanted to keep this warm and raw at the same time as much as possible so I tried to avoid mixing it to the point it would sound too "perfect" - I kept it quite as it is.

Note: If you buy whole album you get the last track as a bonus and if I get enough downloads I will put out vinyl release of this too to all you 12" likers.

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