DUBTARDS PRESENTS: CASPA (Dub Police, Sub Soldiers, UK) 13.4.2012 @ Venue, Helsinki

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#1 • • Edited BASSTARDS
Huhtikuussa Venue -klubilla räjähtää käyntiin uusi Dubtards -ilta, jossa tullaan kuulemaan dubstepin kovimpia nimiä niin Suomesta kuin ulkomailtakin. Avajaisillan tähti on englantilainen Caspa, joka on toiminut useamman vuoden suunnannäyttäjänä dubstepin saralla. Caspan keikkakalenteri on ollut viime aikoina erittäin monipuolinen ja täynnä kiinnostavia yhteisesiintymisiä muun muassa Skrillexin ja Magnetic Man -yhtyeen kanssa.

Kolmea levy-yhtiötä pyörittävä Caspa julkaisee tasaiseen tahtiin omia tuotoksiaan, jotka määrittelevät uusia rajoja supersuosioon nousseen dubstepin piirissä. Hänen soundinsa edustaa tämän musiikkityylin rankempaa osastoa, ja Dubtards -illan avajaisissa äänentoisto tullaan säätämään Caspan arvolle sopivaan kylkiluita lepattavaan vireeseen.

Kotimaisista illan päätähteä lämmittelevät suuressa nosteessa oleva 501, joka on tehnyt huomattavia aaltoja kansainvälisissä piireissä, sekä nuorempaa polvea edustava Trampboat, joiden kovien settien lisäksi kannattaa tutustua myös ukkojen monipuoliseen omaan tuotantoon. Illan päättää pääsalissa Genki erityisellä maailmanlopun soundtrack -setillä, jossa otetaan viimeisetkin watit irti Precision Audion systeemistä. Panoraama -baarissa tunnelmallista dubstepiä ja junglea tarjoavat Totrox sekä Alpine.





CASPA (Dub Police, Sub Soldiers, Storming, Fabric, UK)

MC Rod Azlan










22:00 Trampboat
23:45 501
01:00 CASPA & MC Rod Azlan
02:30 Genki


23:00 Totrox
01:30 Alpine


Michelle Silver


Friday 13.4.2012 // 22:00-04:00 // Age 18


Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21
00100 Helsinki


Advance: 12€ + bf 1,2€ (total price 13,2€ + service fee) from Tiketti, http://www.tiketti.fi
Door: 15€

100 VIP tickets (Only from Tiketti)
Price 23,2 €€ including booking fee (+ service fee)

VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue
-Special gift @ Venue
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance @ Playground (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)

SUPER VIP ticket only from email: [email protected]
550€ SUPER VIP for 10 people (only 1 table for sale)

SUPER VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue and escorting to the table
-Table reserved for all night next to the stage, best place at the club ;)
-1 bottle of Grey Goose vodka + mixers, 2 bottles of sparkling wine
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance @ Playground (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)

Facebook event:

Venue Facebook group:


Caspa bio

Today, Caspa is synonymous with the underground. If you don’t know Caspa you don’t know Dubstep. With an epic list of tour dates taking him to every corner of the globe he still finds time to host a bi-monthly night at the world famous Fabric. Not content with running 3 labels , producing dancefloor bomb after dancefloor bomb and the acclaimed album ‘Everybody’s Talking, Nobody’s Listening’, his remix skills are in higher demand than ever, remixing for the likes of Deadmau5, Miike Snow, Depeche Mode, Kid Sister and Adam F & Horx feat Redman to name just a few.
This is his story so far...

Growing up in West London on a diet of Jungle and Hip Hop, Caspa started DJ’ing and experimenting with beats after a promising Basketball career was cut short by injury.

In 2003, under the pseudonym Quiet Storm, the track 'Bass Bins' was picked up by BBC 1xtra's J Da Flex and things started to snowball. Founding his own label Storming Productions in 2004, Caspa also began a weekly radio show on the iconic Rinse FM. Signing up and working with the likes of Search & Destroy, Dubchild, Toasty Boy, DJ Narrows and Oris Jay the label soon became established as one of the dominating underground labels of the time.

After receiving a demo from Swedish producers L-Wiz, a thoroughly impressed Caspa decided to start a sister label ‘Dub Police’; its aim to focus entirely on exciting new artists and provide a platform to the new and quickly emerging genre Dubstep. With a string of successful releases from artists such as L-Wiz, N-Type, Rusko, The Others and of course his own productions under the Caspa alias, the label began to grow in to one of the trail blazing labels of the emergent genre. Meanwhile Caspa was also having success on other labels with releases like ‘Rubber Chicken’ which was snapped up by Tempa and soon became an underground anthem.

Amidst the ever growing hype, Caspa and fellow label artist Rusko were approached by Fabric to mix the 37th instalment of the legendary FabricLive series. Following on from such legends as John Peel and Fabio & Grooverider, this was the first commercially available dubstep compilation and played a significant part in bringing the genre into the limelight and introducing it to many new listeners worldwide. His anthemic remix of TC’s ‘Where’s My Money’ pushed things even further and his mix on Deadmau5 and Kaskade ‘I Remember’ further still.

Last year saw Caspa take things to the next level with a series of high profile gigs & festival performances from Glastonbury and Global Gathering to sharing the main stage with Lily Allen and The Arctic Monkey’s at Serbia’s Exit Festival. Not content with rounding up the year with an epic US Tour, his huge remix of Hard by Breakage feat Newham Generals became Zane Lowe’s hottest record in the world at Radio One and was almost immediately followed by his mix of Adam F and Horx featuring Redman ‘Shut the Lights Off’ – which on it’s debut play was also crowned with the same honour.

2010 has already seen Caspa smash up the clubs with his Subscape collab ‘Geordie Racer’ and his remix of Ludacris’ ‘How Low?’ – the first official dubstep remix of a major US rap-star.As the Summer begins, on the release front ‘Back For The First Time’ is now the hot Caspa tune on everyone’s lips, spreading from Zane Lowe, Annie Mac and Mistajam support into daytime afternoon spins on Radio 1.A brand new mix compilation called ‘My Style’ will hit the stores in June and meanwhile the touring continues with a host of festival dates this summer including hitting the main stage at Sonar just before the Chemical Brothers headline and rolling out the ‘Dubplates, Decks and Visual FX’ concept at Bestival, Global Gathering, SW4 and more. Bespoke animations firing off in real time to take the Caspa experience to the next level? We’d expect nothing less from the dopest ghost in town.





Posts: 250

Infot päivitetty :)

Posts: 1,180

#3 • • peikkolapsi miisa the maskotti
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA mistä näitä tulee. turmion päivät jatkuvat.
tiivistettynä saavun paikalle :D

mut hei, n'hrään nniinku, tanssitaan koloissa
taI sit mennää pikahissilla prahaan'
se on tanssilattialla


Posts: 250



22:00 Trampboat
23:45 501
01:00 CASPA & MC Rod Azlan
02:30 Genki


23:00 Totrox
01:30 Alpine

Posts: 1,180

#7 • • peikkolapsi miisa the maskotti
Caspa on ollut pitkään sellanen minkä on tahtonut nähdä ja luotin siihen että hyvä keikka tulee. ja tuli! wohho. tykkäsin! kiitos. ihmisiäkin oli juuri sopivasti, mahtui olemaan :)
kiitos, Rusko sitte seuraavaks. :D

mut hei, n'hrään nniinku, tanssitaan koloissa
taI sit mennää pikahissilla prahaan'
se on tanssilattialla