- 27.01.2012 KLUBI TURKU
Säde Proudly Presents...
Oli suuri kunnia aikoinaan helmikuussa 2002 tuoda Suomeen ensimmäistä kertaa yksi rankemman konemusiikin legendoista sekä Nu Energy levy-yhtiön luoja ja Freeform musiikin kantava voima; Kevin Energy. Tapahtuma oli 1000 hengellä loppuunmyyty "No More Rock'n Roll" Helsingin edesmenneillä Makasiineilla ja yksi kautta aikain parhaista SÄDE reiveistä! Kevinistä tuli erittäin suuri ystävä sekä kumppani muusiikin ja yhteisten ulkomaan keikkojen saralla ja nyt on erittäin haikeaa ja meille suuri kunnia tuoda mies jälleen Suomeen ja tällä kertaa elämänsä viimeisille DJ keikoille!!! Juhlistamme Kevinin viimeisiä keikkoja kahden päivän voimin SÄDE tapahtumissa Turun Klubilla perjantaina 27.01 ja Helsingin uudella Club Venuella lauantaina 28.01!!! Tervetuloa ja long live the Freeefoooorm!!!!

PROTEUS (SÄDE /Hellfire Club)
JUSSI S (Choon!)
21:00-22:30 Jussi S
22:30-00:30 Säde Allstars - Proteus / Neon / Friik / Triton / Inch
00:30-01:30 Kevin Energy
01:30-02:15 Alek Szahala live
02:15-03:30 Säde Allstars - Proteus / Neon / Friik / Triton / Inch
Light Jockey Simo Rask
Screen by VJ Move
Turun Klubi / Live-kerros
Humalistonkatu 8A, Turku
Date: 27.01.2012
Open: 21:00-04:00
Penalty price:
From the door: 15e
Presale tickets at Tiketti: 10e + välityspalkkio/toimituskulut
Graphical design by Zerathep

Voted Best Harddance DJ @ Clubbing In London awards 2005
Voted Best Harddance DJ @ Underground Music awards 2005
Voted Best Harddance DJ @ Hardcore Heaven awards 2006
Runner up Best Harddance DJ @ Hardcore Heaven awards 2007
Voted Best Harddance DJ @ Hardcore Heaven awards 2008
Runner up Best Harddance DJ @ Hardcore Heaven awards 2009
Farewell Tour 2011
One of the UK hardest working and finest Hardcore / Freeform and Hard Dance DJ’s / Producers ‘Kevin Energy’ has announced the coming end of a hugely successful career. For more info on this please read a personal message from the man himself at www.nuenergycollective.com
Not one for doing things by half, Kevin is on the way to going out with a huge bang! Kevin’s farewell aryist album ‘My Rave’ has been released on June 27th 2011 and is by far his best work to date accumulating all the styles Kevin is respected for; Hardcore / Freeform / Hard Trance / Hard Dance. His cult Nu Energy record label is about to finish on an impressive 100th release by showcasing a huge remix album. To celebrate this and the 16 huge years of Kevin’s career, he is embarking on a massive worldwide DJ Tour.
N.E.C. head honcho, Kevin Energy is firmly established as a DJ in the top echelon of both Hardcore and Harddance, with bookings the length and breadth of the whole planet! Energised, always and musically innovative, there aren’t many crowd-pleasers that can rock a crowd quite like Kevin Energy but for a man who earned his first big room rave sets before he was old enough to legally attend them it is hardly surprising. His fresh sound and ever enthusiastic mixing style make him a favourite behind the decks as he always delivers service with a smile and with more scratching and rockin’, upfront tracks than you can shake a glow stick at.
Whether it be Kevin’s explosive & technically tight DJ sets at HTID, Slammin Vinyl, Freeformation & more, or even his rave rockin production work, Kevin always manages to balance a pacey, instantly uplifting energy with a forward thinking approach that pushes back the boundaries of both Hardcore and Harddance. Of course, Kevin has picked up the ‘Best Hard Dance DJ’ award twice at the Hardcore heaven awards, but don’t think that’s because his hard dance DJ sets come first. As well as winning this category, Kevin regularly comes high up in the top 10 for the hardcore category meaning he receives more actual votes then most other acts!
Kevin’s commitment to the underground music scene is nothing but immense. His Collection of artists and labels under the Nu Energy Collective umbrella can boast releasing the most frequent music in the scene today. At its planned closure in 2011, the NEC would have released over 1500 tracks into the industry from over 100 worldwide artists. Kevin has always looked for new and exciting ways to offer music to the masses and between the free mixes on his NEC site, exciting album projects, track downloads & CD singles through his store www.hardbeatsdownload.com plus his rave night promotion Freeformation managed with Sharkey, there is no doubting the drive of this man! At a time where sometimes things can start to sound a little similar out there, There’s only one DJ daring and experienced enough to be able to offer up something totally different and tear the roof off every time.
Having a love for both Hardcore and Hard Dance, separating his DJ in each scene is something that comes naturally to Kevin. For those who haven’t seen Kevin’s distinctive Hard Trance DJ sets for themselves get one thing clear… they are far removed from the rave-party mayhem of his current sets in the UK Hardcore scene. Ably juggling his dual roles within two separate scenes, Kevin’s Nu Energy label may be responsible for bridging the sonic gap between them but he remains the perfect professional in gauging what dance floor bombs to drop on his Hard Dance audiences and cleverly balances euphoric Germanic Hard Trancers with euphoric Hard NRG styled numbers.
Always look at the bright side of life...