Oldschool Mix Marathon IV @ DI.fm 30.12.11 [M-Zone, Proteus, Meke vs Yoko...] 19:00->

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Posts: 2,083

#1 • • Edited Meke GT Digital, BCN Records

DJ Meke & DJ Irish from DI.fm classical electronica channel presents:

old mixtapes, rare live recordings.

ELIOT NESS - The Art Of Mixing # 1
ORKIDEA - Unity Mixtape # 1
+ more

new 90s mixtapes from oldskool DJ´s

M-ZONE (UK) hardtrance

PROTEUS (Finland) trance / hardtrance 100% vinyl

MEKE (Finland) hardtrance / hardcore
YOKO (Germany) hardtrance / hardcore

ALLY ASYLUM (UK) hard trance
CIRILIOX (Spain) makina
DECK JAGGER (Finland) UK breaks rave (hc)
DJ MINDFLASH (Austria) hardcore
INDIVIDUAL (Finland) trance ?
MARIO TEKNO (Belgium) acidtechno
PEARSALL (UK) trancecore


Where: DI.fm radio [ Classic Electronica Channel ] http://www.di.fm/classictechno/
When: 29.-30.12.2011
Music: 90s acidtechno, hardtrance, makina, hardcore, trancecore, trance, acidtrance...



Friday, December 30, 2011

7:00 pm - 6:10 am
Local time for GMT +2
19:00 - 06:00 Finland

Soittojärjestys menee näin:

Individual (trance / acidtrance), Deck Jagger (UK breaks rave/hc), Pearsall (trancecore / "freeform"), DJ Mindflash (hc), M-Zone (hardtrance), Yoko vs Meke (hardtrance / hc), Proteus (trance / hardtrance), Ciriliox (makina hardtrance), Ally Asylum (hardtrance), Mario Tekno (acidtechno), Meke (happy hc / hc)

M-ZONE bio

M-Zone has to be the most influential underground hard trance DJ of the nineties…. and seen as “hard trance” only came about in the nineties – people are right to refer to him as “the godfather of hard trance” it was M-Zones banging, uplifting + uptempo beats that caught Mark EG’s ear in the mid nineties and made Mark EG become one of the most recognised hard trance DJ’s around the world. Now they have both played all over the world and have many followers and I’m sure always will….. M-Zones music will live forever. M-Zone started his career late in 1991 at the now legendary Doncaster Warehouse. He steadily built in reputation and skill, quickly becoming known for his upfront style. Originally playing Italian Piano-House, M-Zone began playing Trance and hard house a few years later, and was soon well known as a figure of some influence within the UK (And quite possibly the European) Hard Trance and Hard House scene. Indeed, as he became established as the main resident (And unofficial manager to some extent) of Doncaster Warehouse, he began to book the DJ’s that were making the records he played, the big names of European Hard Trance. The years 1994 and 1995 were big years for M-Zone, not only did he begin Residencies at Dizstruxshon and Uprising (Two of the Norths biggest raves), he also introduced the UK to Bonzai Records, by booking they’re first UK Live performance at the Warehouse, and later bringing Up and Coming German Hard Trance DJ Timo Maas to play in the UK for the first time at the warehouse.
Toward the end of 1995, he also founded his UK44 Records collective (Which included labels UK44, Forever Forward, Teach Yourself Techno and DW Records). The first releases on each label were immediate hits and UK44, Forever Forward and Teach Yourself Techno became important labels in the UK Hard Trance scene for the next couple of years.
It was this time that M-Zone was becoming the DJ he is today, playing across the UK, Europe and Canada, spreading his style across our planet, each time returning with something new, and more importantly Different. Since then, The UK44 record label has ceased to exist, the warehouse closed and M-Zone has launched a new project, Warning Records. He continues to be one of the foremost DJ’s in the Hard Trance circuit and has been responsible for progressing the scene to the extent its at today, always seeming to stay one step ahead of today’s commercial scene. Whatever may happen in the future, M-Zone will no doubt remain a name to watch…..


Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#2 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
old mixtapes, rare live recordings

Tuolloin kuullaan myös DJ Eliot Ness:n - The Art Of Mixing # 1 miksaus.
(täydellinen biisilistakin taitaa löytyä).
Iso kiitos Nessille että sain liittää kyseisen setin mukaan ohjelmaan *jiihaa*

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 138

#3 • • SuzuS elohiiri....

Posts: 510

#4 • • Hendryk Sen verran, että sapiens

Härifrån tvättas och linkodes. Och huumori kuivades.


Posts: 2,083

#5 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records

Vielä pari viikkoa ja sit musa soi :)

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#6 • • Edited Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Prepartyssa kuullaan DJ Orkidean Unity mixtape vuodelta 1996!

Kiitoksia Orkidealle tästä *aplodit*

Ja allekirjoittaneelta kuullaan myös "Happy New Yearave 2012" miksaus 30.12. joka muuten on ohjelman viimeinen setti, tyyliltään vanhaa hooceeta / "saksa happy hooceeta".

Ja sitten huonot uutiset:
Proteus on kovin kiireinen mies ja ei välttämättä ehdi tehdä mixtapea...mutta pidetään sormet ristissä, koristellaan kuuset rauhassa ja palataan asiaan joulun jälkeen. Anyway jotain tullaan kuullaan Proteukselta ja jos se on vanha mixtape niin se kuullaan preparty ohjelmassa 29.12.

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#7 • • Edited Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Päivitystä esiintyjä kaartiin

Ja tässä vähän infoa prepatysta (eli vanhoja mixtapeja vuosien takaa):


Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 1,141

#10 • • C-Hill Syna / Deck Jagger
Meitsin setti on megamix-henkinen 91-93 vuosien UK breaks rave (hardcore) -soundiin keskittyvä pläjäys, jossa mm. seuraavia artisteja : Altern-8, Congress, Bizarre Inc., Son'z of a Loop da Loop Era, The Prodigy, Messiah...

Kiitokset Mekelle miksauspyynnöstä, onkin pitänyt tehdä tälläinen jo vuosikausia. Toivottavasti miksaus aiheuttaa väristyksiä ja flashbackkeja sopivasti tuon ajan "teknovallankumousta" seuranneille ja miksei muillekin!

Posts: 2,083

#11 • • Edited Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
No niin, sain varmistuksen että Proteuksen setti kuullaan 30.12. *pahis*

Tälläistä herkkua luvassa:
Proteus - Oldschool Rave Live Mix At Superstition Club Helsinki

100% vinyl

Kiitos ja kumarrus Proteukselle

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#12 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Eli jos oikein tsekkasin niin 19.00 showt alkaa ja päättyy aamulla. Yritin myös laskea milloin showt loppuu +/-10 min tarkkuudella.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

7:00 pm - 7:00 am
Local time for GMT +2

Laurent Garnier, Ultra-Sonic, Kage, DJ Orkidea, Elliot Ness, Frank T.R.A.X., Mystre set 1 & 2, DJ Mind-X & Snowman, DJ Energy, Ricci D.J., Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo

Noin 22.30-22.40 alkaa soimaan Orkidean Unity mixtape #1...


Friday, December 30, 2011

7:00 pm - 6:10 am
Local time for GMT +2

Soittojärjestys menee näin:

Individual (trance / acidtrance), Deck Jagger (UK breaks rave/hc), Pearsall (trancecore / "freeform"), DJ Mindflash (hc), M-Zone (hardtrance), Yoko vs Meke (hardtrance / hc), Proteus (trance / hardtrance), Ciriliox (makina hardtrance), Ally Asylum (hardtrance), Mario Tekno (acidtechno), Meke (happy hc / hc)

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 254

#13 • • teroska yksinäinen bilettäjä
*jiihaa* sitten mennään ;-) *aplodit*

pieni laiha poika


Posts: 2,083

#14 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Ja väärässä järjestyksessä toistaiseksi...Noh, kunhan saadaan huomisen setit oikeessa järjestyksessä

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#16 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Nyt järjestys menee näin: Laurent Garnier, Ultra-Sonic, Kage, DJ Orkidea, Elliot Ness, Frank T.R.A.X., Mystre sets 1 & 2, DJ Mind-X & Snowman

DJ Orkidean Unity Mixtape # 1 alkaa noin kahden aikaan yöllä.

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 102

#17 • • Edited Kosmikki
Jos joku ottaa noita settejä talteen tai DJ itse laittaa settinsä jakoon, niin pistäkäähän linkkiä tähän topikkiin. Ois kiva.

Posts: 2,083

#18 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
19.00 lähtee:

Individual (trance / acidtrance), Deck Jagger (UK breaks rave/hc), Pearsall (trancecore / "freeform"), DJ Mindflash (hc), M-Zone (hardtrance), Yoko vs Meke (hardtrance / hc), Proteus (trance / hardtrance), Ciriliox (makina hardtrance), Ally Asylum (hardtrance), Mario Tekno (acidtechno), Meke (happy hc / hc)

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz