HOUSEAGENDA w/ Tatsumi Suzuki (Monday Bar, SWE) 21.10.2011 @ Helsinki

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Posts: 31

#1 • • Edited MattStellar

Fri 21st October
AHJO CLUB (Bulevardi 2-4, Helsinki)


Ahjo Club has a special treat in store in October for all the clubbers with a taste for quality upfront contemporary club sound delivered in a stylish, intimate venue as HOUSEAGENDA invites over a special guest from Stockholm:

- DJ Tatsumi Suzuki -

Tatsumi Suzuki is without a doubt one of the emerging stars of the Swedish club scene - His career has gained major momentum thanks to regular appearances in the line-up of the hugely popular Monday Bar, which easily ranks as one of the longest running and best established club brands in Sweden. Tatsumi maintains a busy schedule rocking the Stockholm club circuit - In addition to the Monday Bar parties his recent resumé includes events and venues such as Future Sound of Sweden, Suburbia, Pluto and Hotellet.

Well known in the Nordic dance music community for his monthly podgressive podcasts which showcase a wide variety of quality electronic dance music and some high profile guest mixes, Tatsumi Suzuki is a highly versatile deejay and performer. His early influences initially came from the melodic trance sound which is reflected in the uplifting nature of his sets - Nevertheless for this special eve at Ahjo you can expect his repertoire to consist of pumping, driving tech house spiced up with uplifting progressive sounds and maybe even some edgy electro thrown in the mix - A sure formula to keep things interesting.

You can sample some of Tatsumi's sets on his site:

Support will be delivered by up & coming talent DJ Concha as well as Ahjo's own Matt Stellar (


Posts: 7

#2 • • ayehc
Yes, tulee olemaan mahtavat bileet!!!!

Posts: 31

#3 • • MattStellar
Perjantaina lämmitellään viikonloppu käyntiin maaotteluhengessä, kun Ahjoon saapuu länsinaapurista vahvistukseksi mm. MONDAY BAR-bileiden riveissä kunnostautunut Tatsumi Suzuki!

Illan line-up:iin liitetty myös nouseva talentti, Playgroundissa bileitä rokannut DJ Concha...


Alustavat soittoajat:

22:00 - 00:45 DJ Concha & Matt Stellar
00:45 - 03:00 Tatsumi Suzuki
03:00 - 03:30 Matt Stellar

Pienet joustot aikataulussa toki mahdollisia tilanteen ja fiiliksen mukaan.


Käykääpä tsekkailemassa Tatsumi Suzukin tuoreet kuulumiset miehen saitilla -->

Viikonloppua odotellessa Stellar-Masan uudenpuoleisen HOUSEAGENDA-promomixauksen pääsee kuuntelemaan ja latailemaan talteen halutessaan täältä -->


Posts: 39

#4 • • tatsumisuzuki
Mahtavaa tulla käymään!! Tulkaa vaan morjestamaan jos tulette Ahjoon. Osaan Suomea koska äiti on alun perin suomesta. Meitä lähtee 4 Tukholmasta ja on kova hype! Että saatte näyttää meille miten suomessa juhlitaan =) Ch00n!!

Posts: 7

#5 • • ayehc
Jajamen!!!! *jiihaa* *aplodit* *pihkassa*

Posts: 39

#7 • • tatsumisuzuki
Kiitos Kristoffer Wörlund, Matt Stellar, Concha ja kaikki jotka tuli Ahjoon! Tuli mahtava reissu ja oli tosi kivaa! Nähdään varmasti taas :)

Perjantaina jatkuu taas. Podgressive EP023 release