end of story

14 posts, 1 page, 13,394 views


Posts: 5,381

#4 • • Timce
Mistä tämän vois saada:

01. Glenn Wilson: Loom
02. Mike Humphries: Backlash
03. Glenn Wilson: System Copy
04. Mike Humphries: Low down bitch
05. B. Sanhaji: Relic - The Passion (A)
06. Puonding Grooves - Puonding Grooves 22
07. The Anxious: Mechanism
08. Marco Carola: Compressed
09. Mike Humphries: DV8
10. Marco Carola: bubble
11. B. Sanhaji: Rapidly Adaption (B)
12. Marchetto & Shever: Dark Buzzle
13. Glenn Wilson: Balanced Freeway
14. Marchetto & Shever: Late-X-press
15. Tuomas Rantanen: Blue Machine
16. Adam Beyer: [untitled]
17. DJ Slip: Beat the Clock
18. Surgeon: La Real
19. Headroom: HR Track One
20. Regis.: model friendship.
21. Headroom: HR Track Two
22. Laster Fitzpatrick: Mental Abause
23. DJ Valium: Voodootronic
24. Glenn Wilson: Sidewalk Jack
25. Adam Beyer: [untitled]
26. Fumiya Tanaka: Drive #6 (edit 1)


-Cook the man some fucking eggs-

-Jake the Muss


Posts: 401

#5 • • walkout__ DJ

Replying to end of story:

Mistä tämän vois saada:

01. Glenn Wilson: Loom
02. Mike Humphries: Backlash
03. Glenn Wilson: System Copy
04. Mike Humphries: Low down bitch


Alkuperäinen Audio-CD on hukkunut joten ei mistään.