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Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki   Show map

== Labyrinth & Laserpoint proudly present ===
== Scandinavia's leading dance event ==

== WHITEOUT 2012 ==

== Saturday 14 April 2012 - Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland ==


Sister Bliss - FAITHLESS DJ set (UK)
One of the most legendary electronic music acts of all time best known for their smash hits 'Insomia', 'We come 1' and 'God is a DJ'.

Often called 'the godfather of the Ibiza anthems'.

World's #1 Female DJ!

DARUDE (EnMass Music)
ORKIDEA (Pacifique / Unity)
ALEX KUNNARI (Club Colors)
LOVETONE (Laserpoint)
EFO (Laserpoint)


Proteus (Säde/Hellfire Club)
Muffler (Hospital) vs. Genki (Stealth Unit)
Carbon Based - Live (FINRG)
Nebula Meltdown - Live (Suntrip)
Neon (Säde)
Sasha F (TiLLT Records)
Mindcore DJs: Criss, Skitzofrenik & Zerathep
Djane J7 & Jayvee (Finrg)
Macio (Innowation)


Venue: Kaapelitehdas / The Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki, Finland.
Doors open: 20.00 - 04.00
Age limit: 18 years and over
Capacity: 3000 people

More info: http://www.labyrinth.fi/info.shtml

Tickets out now nationwide!
More info: http://www.labyrinth.fi/tickets.shtml


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Favorites 214

Christina_Death, DarkWaari, efo, Loffe_, Macio, metsanpeikko, mosse, nenna, Optik, T0rnado and 204 others ▾
*Bixxx*, -anna-, -emppu-, -T-, -tony-, 5thSaint, a, A-zoni-C, Aamu, Aazu, achladi, Adorable, AiDoN, aikkis, aivomassa, AJ, Amnesia, André, anis, Annn, anqqa, antti83, Armadance, Arskado, Avangion, banaanisuklaa, Banda, Bermudas Call, bilehile80, Birgie, biscuitt, black cat, bubbelgum, caitrin, camy, chewie, Chrisdyan, chrisu, cletus, CMBR, Cocktail, Crash, Cremo, CRS, Decion, Dj Design, dj upi, Dj WerneX, Djane J7, Dreamwarrior, Duukkis, duzz, EemiJ, ElNiño, EluGGa, elysha, Fafy, fenella, fiilistyttö, FinnRaver, flowie, Fudgecake, Galbedir, Halina, hane, hardcorAve, HaTeFiNgEr, Hennimys, heze, Idlz, idoru, il0na, Inferno@Tre, inneah, itaichi, J-J-Blo, JaaSu, Jace, JayVee, JIlvonen, Jinkso, johnnytys, Jokke L, jonnao, Josba, juu-zo, KarlVonGerhard, Karvinen, kati-, kid bionic, kiksutus, Kirs1kka, kofeinisti, Krotti, kzn, Lainen, Leonides, linntu, Lizsen, Loba, LoonLindsay, loskaa, Lyra, M4isteri, mardis, Marso, MetsänHenki, Metsäpiru, Miinapiina, miku, Mikx, MiMoSa, mimugzu, MitnJtn, Modulator, MRC, n1ko, nannita, Nappi, Nasutin, nebula, Nexus__69, Nic.Silver, Nightmare, NIKOLAI.K, NiMo, ninhu, ninuska, noppe, Norspa, Noxu, Nyx, Pakastemelba, Patterikani, PeDE, Pegar, peikkolapsi, Piiuzki, Poly, Pro Psyko, Proteus, psaijai, PsyTechHardDrum, quarzal, ravec, Raver71, reivipoju, ressy, reTrieVer, Riia, Rony Rex, SA-TomTom, Saipher, sapeli, Sari, SASHA F, sententia, Serjoga, Shira, Silphid, Siune, Sleipner, snox, Sssan*, sts, Substanced, s_a, T-mu, TB, Techa, Temazepam, teroska, tinke82, Tintsi, Tiuge, Tonppa, Traba, track08, Triton, Trixie, tättähäärä, UkeUke, unD-, UnityF, vel, Virkach, Visu-Vasu, viuhkatyttö, Wanna, Wegez, Wenobi, White_Dragon, widowmaker, Wozz, xybo, Zeni-, Zerathep, Zile, Zilla, Ziru, ^Ananas^, _Dj_Street_, `Energie, älex