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Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki   Show map

== Labyrinth & Laserpoint proudly present ===
== Scandinavia's leading dance event ==

== WHITEOUT 2012 ==

== Saturday 14 April 2012 - Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki, Finland ==


Sister Bliss - FAITHLESS DJ set (UK)
One of the most legendary electronic music acts of all time best known for their smash hits 'Insomia', 'We come 1' and 'God is a DJ'.

Often called 'the godfather of the Ibiza anthems'.

World's #1 Female DJ!

DARUDE (EnMass Music)
ORKIDEA (Pacifique / Unity)
ALEX KUNNARI (Club Colors)
LOVETONE (Laserpoint)
EFO (Laserpoint)


Proteus (Säde/Hellfire Club)
Muffler (Hospital) vs. Genki (Stealth Unit)
Carbon Based - Live (FINRG)
Nebula Meltdown - Live (Suntrip)
Neon (Säde)
Sasha F (TiLLT Records)
Mindcore DJs: Criss, Skitzofrenik & Zerathep
Djane J7 & Jayvee (Finrg)
Macio (Innowation)


Venue: Kaapelitehdas / The Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1, Helsinki, Finland.
Doors open: 20.00 - 04.00
Age limit: 18 years and over
Capacity: 3000 people

More info: http://www.labyrinth.fi/info.shtml

Tickets out now nationwide!
More info: http://www.labyrinth.fi/tickets.shtml


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Favorites 214

cletus, CMBR, Cocktail, ElNiño, itaichi, Nappi, peikkolapsi, quarzal, SA-TomTom, Virkach and 204 others ▾
*Bixxx*, -anna-, -emppu-, -T-, -tony-, 5thSaint, a, A-zoni-C, Aamu, Aazu, achladi, Adorable, AiDoN, aikkis, aivomassa, AJ, Amnesia, André, anis, Annn, anqqa, antti83, Armadance, Arskado, Avangion, banaanisuklaa, Banda, Bermudas Call, bilehile80, Birgie, biscuitt, black cat, bubbelgum, caitrin, camy, chewie, Chrisdyan, Christina_Death, chrisu, Crash, Cremo, CRS, DarkWaari, Decion, Dj Design, dj upi, Dj WerneX, Djane J7, Dreamwarrior, Duukkis, duzz, EemiJ, efo, EluGGa, elysha, Fafy, fenella, fiilistyttö, FinnRaver, flowie, Fudgecake, Galbedir, Halina, hane, hardcorAve, HaTeFiNgEr, Hennimys, heze, Idlz, idoru, il0na, Inferno@Tre, inneah, J-J-Blo, JaaSu, Jace, JayVee, JIlvonen, Jinkso, johnnytys, Jokke L, jonnao, Josba, juu-zo, KarlVonGerhard, Karvinen, kati-, kid bionic, kiksutus, Kirs1kka, kofeinisti, Krotti, kzn, Lainen, Leonides, linntu, Lizsen, Loba, Loffe_, LoonLindsay, loskaa, Lyra, M4isteri, Macio, mardis, Marso, metsanpeikko, MetsänHenki, Metsäpiru, Miinapiina, miku, Mikx, MiMoSa, mimugzu, MitnJtn, Modulator, mosse, MRC, n1ko, nannita, Nasutin, nebula, nenna, Nexus__69, Nic.Silver, Nightmare, NIKOLAI.K, NiMo, ninhu, ninuska, noppe, Norspa, Noxu, Nyx, Optik, Pakastemelba, Patterikani, PeDE, Pegar, Piiuzki, Poly, Pro Psyko, Proteus, psaijai, PsyTechHardDrum, ravec, Raver71, reivipoju, ressy, reTrieVer, Riia, Rony Rex, Saipher, sapeli, Sari, SASHA F, sententia, Serjoga, Shira, Silphid, Siune, Sleipner, snox, Sssan*, sts, Substanced, s_a, T-mu, T0rnado, TB, Techa, Temazepam, teroska, tinke82, Tintsi, Tiuge, Tonppa, Traba, track08, Triton, Trixie, tättähäärä, UkeUke, unD-, UnityF, vel, Visu-Vasu, viuhkatyttö, Wanna, Wegez, Wenobi, White_Dragon, widowmaker, Wozz, xybo, Zeni-, Zerathep, Zile, Zilla, Ziru, ^Ananas^, _Dj_Street_, `Energie, älex