Remotion - Hypnotism

By remotion

I am proud to release this new mixtape!

It is long time since last time, and a lot has happened.

For me personally Hypnotism mixtape is the most remarkable this far and covers more grounds than nothing before.

On this musical journey we keep one foot on Japanese soil while covering a whole lot else too.

I'll suggest You swich off the lights, turn up the volume and let the music take you away...

dj Remotion


Fever Ray - Triangle Walks (Spektre Vocal Mix)
Dj Luu - Air Of The Year
Dj Zoo - Viola (J Soul Remix)
Sinkai - Tsukuyomi
Daniel Portman - Dark Is The Night For All
Dj Luu - Vadalico
Pusherbutton - Music Play
Dj Luu - Point (No Return Edit)
Filter Kyodai - Jump Into The Water (Exclusive Long Edit)
Filter Kyodai - Unlock Me, Download Right Now (Extended Matrix Mix)
Felguk - Galaxy Traveler (Neelix Remix)
Mutant Trax - 2002
Ummet Ozcan - Natural Waves

Cover 1:07:38
153 plays
trance, psy, techno, trance, house, experimental