xl8r - aamuhartaus @ HardNRG.fi Weekender 2

By xl8r

Aamunavaus HardNRG:fi Weekender 2 webbiradiossa sunnuntaina 25.5.2008. Vanhoja raitoja, muutamia kämmejä, tasot heittelee, yms. livetouhusekoiluja, mutta tuntui ainakin silloin uppoavan porukkaan. Tracklistissä saattaa olla ylimääräisiä tai saattaa puuttua jokusia, ei voi muistaa varmaksi.


Le Bruit Qui Court - Prophetic Visions
Dj Sharpnel - Torinouta (Noise-Rave-Remix)
DJ Sharpnel - Piece of Poetry
The Speed Freak - The Way of Destruction
Neon Genesis Gabbangelion - Powerpuff Gabberz
Deadface - Cannibalism
The Speed Freak & Stormtrooper - Nukem Now (Noiserave Version)
Hellfish - Hardcore Body Harvest (Bunker Clot Mix)
Subversa Vs Intergalactik Purifier - Intergalactik Purifier - Vamporiser
DJ Japan - Free Run
Pattern-J - Radio-Monsters
Deadface - Noise Killer
Stormtrooper - Worst Case Scenario
The Shapeshifter - Street Trash (English Version)
Frazzbass & Negative Network - Flesh Inferno
Pattern-J - Jack's Machine-Drum
The Speed Freak - Puppetmaster (Absurd Audio Version)
Androgyn Network - Hard Sensation
The Speed Freak - Asses Fire
The Prince of Pot - Music For Assholes
Shockwave Tag Team - Nothing Can Save Ya (Remix)
DJ Sharpnel - Speed Disco Vol.1
Bit Shifter - March Of The Nucleotides

Cover 1:20:38
172 plays