Needless - Hands up for detroit [detroit, techno]

By Needless

Laitetaas tännekin moottorikaupungin musiikkia jakoon.


1. Rodenbush - Awakenings (Transmat)
2. Erell Ranson - The Colour of the Empty Sky (AW)
3. Richie Inkle - Spline (Pseudo)
4. Kenny Larkin - Nocturnal (Rush hour)
5. Sensurreal - B1 (Fortek)
6. Rhythim is Rhythim - The Beginning (Transmat)
7. Model 500 - I Wanna Be There (R&S)
8. Tejada & Leviste - Germ Brigade (Palette)
9. Duplex - Airwaves (Clone)
10. Tejada & Leviste - Genetic Pagan (Palette)
11. Shawn Rudiman - Last night (Integrated)
12. Sterac - Sinosphere (Sino)
13. Deetron - Emphasis (Phont)
14. Vince Watson - Parallels (Bio)
15. Shed - tk001 (Styrax Leaves)

Cover 55:17
160 plays