Janne Husu - Nyyhkynalle

By Husu

Having a scheduled break from neural painkillers (back pain) and this happens.

126bpm progressive house, progressive trance and some breakbeat.

PS. Watch out for onion throwing ninjas.


1. Stan Kolev - All That I Need
2. Valentin Akag - Sunphobia (original club mix)
3. Deep Fog - Crows
4. Affective - Broken Mood (original mix)
5. Alex Vidal - Belle
6. CJ Art - Levitation (Hector Sawiak remix)
7. Alexander Xendzov presents Undersky - Falling with Eyes Shut (original mix)
8. Deepsoul Duo - Ocean of Joy (JJ Grant deep sea remix)
9. Breeze/Quadrat - Sinope (original mix)
10. Ziger - Lost Precision (Ziger lost mix)
11. Deep Fog - Stardust (original mix)
12. DedRekoning feat Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Only Child (Roddy Reynaert remix)
13. Stan Kolev - Thankful (Chris Reece remix)
14. Aggressor/Wave - 1 More Minute (original remix)
15. Abstraction Unit - Deep Immersing (Anton MAKe remix)
16. Aquareef - Mirror Edge (Loquai Fuse remix)
17. Alfoa - Starlight

315 plays
house, trance