OrZo - Lihasilppuri 2 (Hardcore/Crossbreed)

By OrZo

Nauhoitettu joskus toukokuussa.


01. Delta 9 & Fiend - Revelations
02. Sam.C - Probing the Darkside of the Moon
03. Forbidden Society & Deathmachine - Rude
04. DJ Hidden - Einstein
05. Sinister Souls & The Outside Agency - Perfect Organism
06. Detest - Blasteroid
07. Sam.C - Break Down the Core
08. Sarin Assault & Fiend - Fighting Is Futile
09. The Teknoist - Vicious & Cannibalistic
10. The Outside Agency - Tesla
11. Meinheld - Hate
12. Parasonic - Stay Inside
13. Stormtrooper - Existenz (Producer's Existential Reburn)
14. Fiend - Worlds End
15. Nurgle 2 Trolls + GVK + Trouble Clef - Part 1
16. Tugie - Rude Ass Mofo
17. Dröne-Z & Miss Chaotik - Brain Dizorder

276 plays
drum'n'bass, hard, industrial