Neo - The Opening | Sesto Sento Album Release Party with Parasense and Vibrasphere 3.11.2006 @ Helsi

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#1 • • Edited -neo- indie
Neo proudly presents:

Sesto Sento album release party!


Date: 3.11.2006
Reminder: saturday 4.11. is a national holiday...
Venue: Kaivohuone, Helsinki
Doors: 21-04
Age: 18
Presale tickets: 14 + bf, frm the door 18
Presale: Tiketti, Street Beat, Valoverstas, Cyber Shop Kamppi

Koska parasense nyt ei ilmeisesti tule, hänen tilallaan kuullaan Serotonot [Live]

Illan lineup on seuraavanlainen:

21.00-22.30 Poliisi [Progressive warmup set]
22.30-00.00 Vibrasphere [Live] (Swe)
00.00-01.15 Serotonot [Live]
01.15-02.15 Poliisi [Full on set]
02.15- end Sesto Sento [Live] (ISR)


The magnificent psychedelic trio, Sesto Sento, known for their highly innovative dance floor musical productions and unprecedented Live act shows are back with their highly anticipated third featured album release.
Sesto Sento, the group that is most identified with the new generation of the psychedelic trance movement, revolutionizing the art of sound production oriented for dance and uplifting spirit, holding under their belt a heavy list of artistic accomplishments, are back with their nest album till date.
Sesto Sento are Matan Kadosh (born 1983), Itai Spector (born 1985) and Aviram Saharai (born 1985), all from Afula in the north of Israel.
Their extra intelligent music and uncompromised sound have elevated dance floors all over the world, enriching the heart of many around the globe.
Sesto Sento Performances include: Brazil, Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Russia, Japan, Belgium, Serbia and Montenegro, Australia.
India, UK, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark, Greece, Argentina, USA and all over Israel their home base.
Sesto Sento have produced two featured albums, The Inner Light (Com.Pact Rec.), The Bright Side (Com.Pact rec.), Compiled the successful Afula On compilation for their label Com.Pact records, and have release THE REMIXER compilation which included 9 previously unreleased remixes to Sesto Sento's tracks by super acts like: GMS, PROTOCULTURE, CPU, SILICON SOUND, VISUAL CONTACT, SESTO SENTO, POP STREAM, and also includes two special treats by APOCALYPSE and AQUATICA the next generation of Com.Pact artists.
Sesto Sento have also released a nemorous amount of tracks on CD, EP and LP compilation on respected labels such as: Com.Pact Records, TIP World, Phonokol, Shiva Space Technology, Zillion Mental anarchy, Maia Records, Agitato Records, MDMA Records, USTA Records, Midijum Records, Ajuca Records, Alchemy Records, Neurobiotics Records, Baloonia Records, Hadshot Haheizar, 3D Vision records.
This busy team is also working on different and exciting projects, Gataka (Matan Kadosh) and Ferbi Boys (Itai Spector and Aviram Saharai).
Come Together brings forward the true Sesto Sento magic, enhanced by 9 Sesto Sento dance floor delights which have been infecting the globe.
#2 • • ikj Guest
NO OHO :O:O *sydän*
#3 • • Edited Rujo Mutantti Guest
Johan lykkäs, voi vaikka saapuakkin.
Edit: Krapulainen tai sitten ei. Omat järjestelyt.
T:Village Idiot

Posts: 4,143

#4 • • Edited isfnbojbbssn sdonvoinv
mitäs ihmettä? *whaat*

ei kyl voisi vähempää sesto sento tai parasense
kiinnostaa, mut vibrasphereä kyl huvittais lähtee taas

+ jatkot kaisaniemessä vibraspheren kera!! *sydän*



Posts: 69

#5 • • Crystaline Taikanautti
Pakkohan tänne on tulla... *joo*

Posts: 1,600

#6 • • Edited tomppi thzombie ™
Most excellent *jiihaa*

Vibrasphere meni viimeks ihan ohi vaikka olin samassa talossa kun ne, onneks asia saadaan korjattuu näin nopeesti. Venäläinen darkpsy toimii aina. :)

My fellow Americans. I'm pleased to tell you today that Ive signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes. - Ronald Reagan, 1984


Posts: 1,174

#8 • • subu Suski
aaarrgg.. *sydän*

Posts: 3,594

#9 • • tomii kallion herttua
jep jep... vibra rokkas kyl hausneissöneissä niin kovaa, että lienee aika pakollinen paikalle saapuminen edessä *joo*

reivaan kunnes kuolen

#10 • • jesus Guest
R o k !

Vibrasphere jäi näkemättä viimeks et todellakin täl kertaa! *pepsodent*

Posts: 221

#11 • • Hippo At the edge of sanity but not insanity
Tota, okei...? :D

Lets pump ourself full of magic monkey juice and take a trip to spacelab!


Posts: 162

#12 • • Forcer Separi
no voi helv *kuolaa* *ding*... tänne on vähän niinkun pakko päästä

Posts: 917

#13 • • Edited anniini a-double n-double i-n-a
Sesto Sento ja Vibrasphere!! Mä oon (jo) niin täällä. *jiihaa*

tämä jos mikä on loistavaa jatkoa viime lokakuiselle Infected Mushroomin keikalle Kaivohuoneella, missä hiki lensi ja lasinsirut narisi kengissä. :P Olisipa jo marraskuu!*sydän*

Take the forward path
Have a big slice of the city
Get the upper hand
While you re still pretty


Posts: 34

#14 • • exxti
tänne tullaan vaik pää kainalossa *sydän*

Posts: 1,590

#15 • • _kolibri_ -lintunen-
doddiiii... nyt kyl näyttää aika *plur* buenolta...

sääli ku ite ei pääse ku en enään suomessa tuolloin *nyyh* kyl tääl haluis olla!!

Pitäkää hauskaa ja nauttikaa... *sydän*
#16 • • wiljami Guest
helvetin asiallinen flaba. nii, ja lineuppiki kohillaa. =D

Posts: 1,939

#17 • • drS
kai parasense esiintyy vikana? siihe mennessä tarvii hankkia melkone bilekänni et jaksaa, noi muut menis selvänäki *pupu*
Kriss G

Posts: 1,492

#18 • • Kriss G Wir brauchen bass
Oho Parasense! Suomeenki saatu kiinnostavaa psykeä.



Posts: 593

#19 • • Rivakka T2xikerien
Uiii! Täällä sit toivottavasti seuraavan kerran...

Posts: 9

#20 • • deva
pitäiskös pääkaupunkissa vierailla. vois vois joo. jos sais aikaiseksi. :)