SUNRISE: SUNBURST (End of season)

  From until   Tickets 8€   Age limit: 18  
club volume, Helsinki  
disco, house, psy, trance, jotain

D.N.A (Sunrise, I Love Kiksu),
Dallas Superstars (HelsinkiVibe, 16inch records),
Unlive [LIVE] (Wider Visions, Spaceboogie),
Jussi Soro (Five AM, choon!),
Haltya [DJ-set] (Exogenic Records)
Poliisi (Com.pact records, Housenation),
Puistokemisti (Fss, Solstice),
Fine (Solstice, The Players Club),
Steven Hoaks (Solstice),
Frameworks [Zwek b2b Aidan] (Ambrosia)



.:Sunrise stage:. Trance & Progressive

D.N.A (Sunrise, I Love Kiksu),
Dallas Superstars (HelsinkiVibe, 16inch records),
Unlive [LIVE] (Wider Visions, Spaceboogie),
Jussi Soro (Five AM, choon!)

::Sunset Stage:: Psytrance

Haltya [DJ-set] (Exogenic Records)
Poliisi (Com.pact records, Housenation),
Puistokemisti (Fss, Solstice)

::Lounge Bar::

Fine (Solstice, The Players Club),
Steven Hoaks (Solstice),
Frameworks (Ambrosia) [Zwek b2b Aidan]

27.05.2006 Sunrise: Sunburst

Time: 21-04
Agelimit: K-18

Presale tickets: 6e+bf available from Street Beat & Mosso (starting from 27.3)

Price from door: 8e

There will be two queues at the door: one for ticketless people and one for people
that have purchased presale tickets. For fast entry get your presale tickets at Mosso
or Street Beat.

Decorations: Sunrise-decocrew
Lights by: Harharyhmä

Event photography by: Setae

Club Volume,
Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 21B, Helsinki


.:Sunrise Stage:.

21:00-23:00 D.N.A
23:00-24:00 Unlive
24:00-01:30 JussiS
01:30-03:30 Dallas Superstars

::Sunset Stage::

21:00-23:00 Puistokemisti
23:00-01:00 Haltya
01:00-03:30 Poliisi

::Lounge Bar::

21:00-23:30 Frameworks
23:30-01:30 Fine
01:30-03:30 Steven Hoaks


-Embrace the rising sun-

Favorites 176

*sarah*, anton fine, Clea, Comandante, karma cola, Pyr0n, RantaPalleroinen, RuisRuutu, Zandy, zeuzz and 166 others ▾