ARMAGEDDON: Total Oblivion

  From until   Tickets 8€   Age limit: 18  
Hima&Sali, Helsinki  
, hard, psy, techno, jotain

Carbon Based [LIVE] (Finrg),
Tripteaser [LIVE] (Shiva Space Technology),
Nomic [LIVE] (Terrorcraft),
Bates (Impulse, Storm),
E-Nrg (Finrg, Carbon Based),
Rx (Finrg),
Puistokemisti (Equinox, Solstice),

Ali Catin (Belfast, Ireland),
WCDJ.ORG (Club Flush, Bizarre Bathroom Beats),
De La Rocha [feat. Hermosaha Live Guitar] (Quality Time, Heinä),
Steven Hoaks (Equinox, Solstice)
Aidan (Ambrosia, ASTE)

[ISO]Armageddon: Total oblivion[/iso]

14th of October the flood gates of hell will open, as the newest
hardgenre club in Finland will have its kick off event.

We will present you the hardest, meanest and fastest of them all.

We present you the true crusaders of this night:

[iso].:Armageddon arena:.[/ISO]

::E-Nrg (Finrg, Carbon Based)::
::Carbon Based [LIVE] (Finrg)::
::Tripteaser [LIVE] (Shiva Space Technology)::
::Nomic [LIVE] (Terrorcraft)::
::Bates (Impulse, Storm)::
::Rx (Finrg)::
::Puistokemisti (Equinox, Solstice)::


::Ali Catin (Belfast, Ireland)::
::WCDJ.ORG (Club Flush, Bizarre Bathroom Beats)::
::De La Rocha feat. Hermosaha Live Guitar (Quality Time, Heinä)::
::Steven Hoaks (Equinox, Solstice)::
::Aidan (Ambrosia, ASTE)::

Lights will feature a special energetic mix of Laseremulators,
Ultraviolet lightning, Movingheads and other special equipment.

Mainstage will feature three screens and special visuals
made for the Armageddon event by VJ Käenpoika


02:45-03:30 Nomic
01:45-02:45 E-Nrg
01:00-01:45 Tripteaser
23:45-01:00 Rx
23:00-23:45 Carbon Based
21:45-23:00 Bates
20:00-21:45 Puistokemisti


01:30-03:30 Ali Catin (Belfast, Ireland)
23:30-01:30 De La Rocha feat. Hermosaha live guitar
22:00-23:30 Steven Hoaks
20:00-21:00 Aidan


14.10.2005 Armageddon: Total oblivion

Time: 20-04
Agelimit: K-18

Price: 8e + bf (10e from door)
Presale tickets: Street Beat, Mosso (available from 23.9)

Visuals by: VJ Käenpoika
Lights by: Waily vs. Flatstick & Harharyhmä
Decorations: Armageddon-decocrew

Hima & Sali, Kaapelitehdas, Helsinki
Tallberginkatu 1 C 15

-Total oblivion of what has been-

Favorites 224

$, Ambrosia, Crazybattery, Heixa, KritikaL, Lupus, Sjel, Sphyxia, Waily, yawiz and 214 others ▾
!@#$%^&*()_+, *sarah*, -aava-, -CTAC-, -David-, -elli-, -miquel-, -p4elka-, :Devyl, > spring <, Aamu, Acid1, Aidan, aileen, ajie, AliCat, Ame, Amuck, Anime, anis, anqqa, Armageddon, asteri, Aurinko^, Avangion, aziziyah, bates, Blues, Braini, BUTCHER-KK, Bäck, CAH, cat-x, Ceppu, Chare, Chimppa, chinese, Chiquita, Chäz, Claquesous, Claymore, Comia, ComiK, d-Whack, Dancake, Dancer, DarkWaari, DenisV, DGN, Diverse System, Dives, DJ Rx, Djane J7, DjPane, dj_drillbass, domi, Dr. SYKErö, Dzad, eLzKa, Eminem, enrg, Ergo, Esa, Eternity, faarao, Freja, Gasoline,, h@rri, hag, hAllimAlli, hannah, HappoMatka, HaPsULi, herman, Hilu, Hoitsu, homppa, Hotblood, Hyzenthlay, iLJA, illusion, Ironraver1, Jambe R, janz, JazuPupu, Juh4, JuHnu, Jupe, Jutu, JXL, Kaaottisen mukava, kamu-, keri, KiimanenKurre, kinderi, Kirtar, kml, kmn, kukla, Kuninkaat, laeski^, Lashez, Liekki, lilage, Linella, Liqued, lovenjointlocks, luba, Lumpy, Maihku, mange, Mao & Taikahattu, Mar6, mariq, mayah, Maze, Mck, miikku, Mikcore, Minsku, Mizfir, Mr. Sinner, Nefertiti, Nemes, nnexus, noena, nomic, Nosferatu, NukeCow, Oliver Paris, onni3mk, or_neon, P.V.D, Peikkotyttö, Pera, Perhonen, Perti, Petteri, pieni, pietari, Piiuzki, pirpeli, PIT, Prime Number, Psykobitchfromhell, PsyTechHardDrum, punos, pupu, QSR, Quality Time, QueenB, RaCeR, RantaPalleroinen, rave22, Rinik, Ripu rapu, RoboMikko, rose, sapeli, scobl, senimi-semini, Silphid, Sirppu, skopee, slirppa, snox, Space Cowboy, spit, Steven Hoaks, sts, styrOx, subu, T-mu, TakkuApina, tattistus, Temazepam, Texx, tiA*, tintsu, Tomato, Tomb, Tomu, TraileriPromoHuora, Trauma, Tuoppo, turha, tvf, Twist, tyyne, UnityF, viltzu, vzk, wammi, Watlala, WCDJ.ORG, Wegez, welcho, Wert, Wintermute, wiwi, Wizzz, X-FI, yace, yonia, Yunie, ZaZa, zeuzz, ZEzo, zombie*, Zwek, [collapse], _Katja_, _zulik_