klubitus.org: The Mansion - Halloween Masquerade

  From until   Tickets 13€   Age limit: 21   klubitus.org/mansion  
Kaivohuone, Helsinki  
breaks, hard, techno, trance, house

Orkidea (Unity) b2b Mr.A (VooDoo, DanceteriA), Muffler (Urban Takeover) b2b Tres (Antenniosasto)

[iso]Halloween Masquerade[/iso]

Klubitus.org celebrates its 5th Anniversary and therefore we challenge You to take part in THE costume party of the year.

For your audual pleasures we have put together two tempting back-to-back sets, first dj Orkidea (Unity) engages with Mr. A (VooDoo) for an enticing 3 and a half hours, then Tres (Antenniosasto) duels Muffler (Urban Takeover) for 2 bass-filled roof-lifting hours.

Decorated by WannaB, the Ravintola Kaivohuone hosts a night of the finest tunes, frightful figures and eerie atmosphere.

Oh, and be sure not to miss the bewildering acts performed by the girls of Sirkus MikäLie.

[pieni]Enough hype?[/pieni]


2200 - 0130 Orkidea & Mr.A
0130 - 0330 Muffler & Tres

Vampyres, shapeshifters, witches, ghosts, undead.. - be scary, and take part in the costume competition

Age limit:
21 without advance ticket
19 with advance ticket

13 without costume
10 with costume
10 (+bf) in advance from Tiketti, Street Beat and Mosso


Miau Mafia

Event photography:


[pieni]Made in klubitus[/pieni]

Favorites 287

Aidan, Aziz Combat Fighter, Charlotte, Eternity, insejn, keijukainen, Maina, maksalaatikko, Syder, tuisku and 277 others ▾
*jopo, *pupu*, -CTAC-, -elli-, -miquel-, -p4elka-, -sannamaria-, -Santtu-, -xx-, 10-, :Devyl, a, Aamu, agore, Ahi, akir0, Amma, Ana*, andi--, Angelic, Anime, Anne, anniharha, Anny, anqqa, anskuli, antiguru, Apo, Arocle, Arscavadance, Athene, aurinko, aydemir, biachari, Blues, bubbelgum, caitrin, Chare, Chatte, ChocoCat*, Coon--, Cosmo, Dacey, DagO, Dana, DarkLabel, Dave, delirium_, Dementation, DenisV, Dessa, Dick, discosisko, display23, djwust, dj_drillbass, Dneya, Dr. SYKErö, dreamer, drifter, Duris, efo, ei ole koskaa messis, Elias, ella_, Elmiira, ElNiño, embie, Eminem, en kerro, eonik, Esa, Espinho, essick, fallen angel, flammable, Fyrisch, gaby, GetAGrip, Ghettis, Gleba, h@rri, hag, hannaok, Hattis, Heixa, Hello Kitty, Hilu, Hocut, hullum, hyvisdeluxe, iam, ihani, Ike, illusion, India, inneah, iri$, itis, j-p, Janisa, Janne, janz, Jaques, Jartza, jeesboks, jell-o, Jensu, JeWish, Jinx, johannyt, Jone, Juh4, k-0ne, kaaputin, kamu-, katai, keisha, kem, Kenny, kilobitti, Kinli, korento, kovas, krispis, Kriss G, Kuukunen, laeski^, Late, littlebig, lohikarme, Long John, Lost-Soul, ludde, Lumikki, Lyylikki, Madda, Maijuska, maikkiainen, Mao & Taikahattu, Mar6, mariq, Marjo, MaSari, mayah, Mck, meow, merqus, Mervi, metsis, MHZ, Mikcore, milla lehto, Mizfir, Mr. Sinner, mukava, Mundus Lassi, Mussu, muZZle^, N.D., nanan, nane, natazea, Nea, Nefertiti, Nemes, nenia, Neryana, Nezi, Nic.Silver, Nitta, node, Nomify^, olli, Panzer, ParodY, patient, patis, Peikkotyttö, PennyLane, Perhonen, PieceOfMind, pietari, Piiuzki, pirpeli, Plaque, pmid, pocahontazz, Priest, Prime Number, pupu, puupi, P|astic, QB, QueenB, r0n, rakettilehmus, rave22, ReiNe, Rinik, rose, RuisRuutu, S-T, s4ga, SA-TomTom, Samu81, Sanjie, sapeli, saranda, Say-Me, Saya, seilori, Seiren, Silphid, Sintsu, Siru, Skegge, slirppa, SmO, Sorrow, soultech, Space Cowboy, Spock, sts, styrOx, subu, t00sa, tajunta, Takyon, Tanjiz, TemeZ, terraluna, thstle, Tiah, tilt, Tiura, tobo, toma, toni, Tonyw, Trixie, trixxy, tuitui, Tukaanl, turha, Turri, tvf, uneek, UnityF, UzU, Verano, vihtakauppias, Viiru-, Viltsu, vzk, Waide, wammi, warem, Wegez, welcho, welmu, wicked, Wizzz, xandra, Xenom, yawiz, Yazu, YuuricaZ, zaler, Zera, Zet4, Zombi, [collapse], [zuho], ^^minni^^, _RixU_, ãnimãnic