PROTEUS (Säde, Logic, Teflon Bullet) - SEBASTIAN (Rush, Nousu, Teflon Bullet) starring KRIS KYLVEN (Atomic Reactor, Rush, Teflon Bullet) - CARBON BASED live (Rush, Finrg, Electronic) - PAIN ON CREATION live (Teflon Bullet, Finrg Hard, Camel, Electronic) - RX (Teflon Bullet, Finrg) - CIRCLE (Dragon) - VINCENT VEGA (Dragon) - FRIIK (Säde) - TRITON (Säde) it`s going to be hard as nails .... the top of the Finnish artists, all together for this night only + VJ Move, Chix on Dix, double laser attack! .... these are the moments of our life, we never forget! Advance tickets 8 e (+bf) available from: Tampere Epe`s Helsinki: Nousu (Iso Robertinkatu 36), Street Beat & Tiketti From door 10e, members 8