3 Year birthday party with ORGAN DONORS [Nukleuz, BXR, Frantic, UK]

:: DATE & VENUE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Date: Friday 8.4.2005
Venue: Cumulus Nightlife Lahti, Finland
Doors: 21:00-04:00
Age limit: 18 years
Capacity: 550 people
Tickets: 8 euros
:: ARTISTS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
ORGAN DONORS [Nukleuz, Frantic, BXR, DanceValley, UK] - Decks'n' fx.
ELIOT NESS [reiv:, Beatbox, House Nation]
E-NRG [Finrg, Carbon Based] - Playing b2b set with Bates.
BATES [Impulse, Storm] - Playing b2b set with E-Nrg.
LUMINESCENT LIVE First time at Impulse.
COSMICMAN [Tsunami Recordings, 16 Inch]
:: TIMETABLE ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
21:00 Eliot Ness
22:00 Cosmicman
23:00 Luminescent live
23:30 E-Nrg b2b Bates
00:45 Carbon Based live
01:30 Organ Donors
03:30 end
Scott and Matt Harris are The Organ Donors- and with a stream of some of the biggest, high quality hard trance and hardnrg tunes in recent years under the belt. These bad-ass boys from Bournemouth have been producing professionally over 10 years for labels like Nukleuz, BXR, Back On Plastic, Frantic, Rock Hard, Sectioned and many more.. Many of us know them best for releases like Radio Waves, 99.9, 4 tribes, Whats Up, Bad Karma, Wave Guide System, In Power and Devolution but hey -theres over 100 more and of course all those remixes theyve been made within the years...Besides the production side theyre also known as one of the best dj weapons of top notch UK label Nukleuzs dj roster alongside with names like BK, Ed Real, Nick Sentience and Lisa Pin-Up. Theyre regular spinners at top clubs and events from UK to Canada, Japan, Australia, USA and of course Europe. This will be their frst time ever performance in Finland and expect something very different as they will perform with three turntables,two mixers and some effect machines!
Want to know more?
Check Organ Donors live on stage video at HQ XL, The Netherlands: http://www.hqparty.nl/hqxl/HQXL04.wmv
:: OTHER INFO ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Technic by Tourtek Helsinki
Decorations by Impulse decoration team
Moving visuals by Impulse VJ's
Flyer and poster artwork by Bates
:: BIRTHDAY SPECIALS :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Extended hour to opening times, doors will be open at 21:00
Birthday cake and other free snacks available
First b2b set by E-Nrg and Bates ever
:: HOTEL ACCOMMODATION ::::::::::::::::::::::
Hotel Cumulus offers cheap rooms for Impulse's birthday guests, a single or a double room for only 60 euros/room! Price includes accommodation and large breakfast from buffet.
Room reservations directly from Cumulus Lahti reception: 03-813 711
:: E-INFORMATION ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
WWW: www.impulse-crew.org
Email: [email protected]