RUSH - 3 Years of Pure Energy - Lashed World Tour

  From until   Tickets 23€   Age limit: 18  
Gloria, Helsinki  

LISA LASHES (Lashed, UK) - PROTEUS (Säde, Logic, Teflon Bullet) - SEBASTIAN starring KRIS KYLVEN (Atomic Reactor, Rush, Teflon Bullet) - CARBON BASED live (Rush, Finrg, Electronic) - OCTAN (Twisted, Hellfire)

RUSH - 3 Years Of Pure Energy video clip


"RUSH - 3 Years of Pure Energy" is part of the "Lashed World Tour"

LIVE RECORDING for "RUSH - THE LIVE album" (Sebastian starring Kris Kylven + Carbon Based)

The sets of our residents will be recorded live and will be released on a double CD later this year. The first CD will contain the set of Sebastian with Kris Kylven live on electronic drums and the second CD the live set of Carbon Based. To capture the feeling and athmosphere of our event of the year, we will also involve YOU into the album by recording the crowd! Be there and be a part of it!

For our birthday we are introducing ONE NEW LASER PROJECTOR .... at total of 3LASERS will blow your mind ... forget everything else you have seen so far!

Tickets are strictly limited to 660 - we highly recommend to get your tickets well in advance!!!

Advance tickets out now!

23 e (+bf)

From door 27 e

Available from:

Helsinki - Nousu, Street Beat, Tiketti
Tampere - Epes

Members: 22 e (no bf) Nousu only!

Bus transportation will be arranged from Turku, for more information check:;sivu=9999#loppu


Favorites 488

Alllu, Displacer, kapyemo, Keskiyon Keisari, mariiiit, minski, Mistah Marinol, MusmaXimus, perhosnei, vzk and 478 others ▾
!@#$%^&*()_+, *AnnU*, *Bixxx*, *Jonne*, *magia*, *miira*, *sarah*, *thaya*, - Malish -, -aava-, -alias-, -Blade-, -crystal-, -David-, -Jenska-, -katsu-, -MC*SG-, -none-, 0-scar, 5thSaint, > spring <, Aadeli, AaKo, Aamu, Absolute Alien, aeon, AiDoN, aikkis, aileen, Amethyst, Amuck, andi--, anis, anqqa, Anselmi, Archive, Arrrmi, audioihme, Aurinko^, Avangion, aziziyah, Aznagh, B0nanza, bates, BeAsT, bile_bubu, Billow, Birgie, Bishop Henrik, Blu, Blues, bluesky, bl_flake, Braini, BT, bubbelgum, bubble, bugy, Burmax, BUTCHER-KK, CAH, caprico, cassius, catzy, Chainboy, Chare, checki, Chimppa, chinese, Chiquita, Chäz, Claquesous, Claymore, Comia, ComiK, Coon--, Cremo, Cress, Dae_, DanaDeath, DarkLabel, DarkWaari, Darude, Dave, Deadprincess, deena, devisss, DGN, Dick, Disease, Diverse System, DJ Rx, dj SäPi, DJ Wayfarer, Djane J7, djavol, DJTidyVicious, djwust, dj_drillbass, dj_kojo, Dj_Pulze, Dogma, Dr. SYKErö, Dreamwarrior, drider, e++, e-nergique, ee102, eewol, EFS55, Elias, Eltsu, EluGGa, Elwen, eLzKa, Eminem, Emma, enrg, Eternity, Euphoria, excelsior, Facha, fantazia, fantsom, FHOD!, flw, forge, fosforic, futuregirl, Gen-X, GetAGrip, Ginbb@, Gisou, god_of_moves, goldS, GrimsouL, Gronttu, Guozi, hag, hallucinogen, Hanz, HappoMatka, Harpyija, Hattis, hdusgheiusheiglhguie, Heixa, hekuja, Hello Kitty, helluli, hemuz, Hilu, Hippo, hoocee, Hotblood, hot_blood, hyde, Hyzenthlay, Ige, Ike, illi1, illusion, InStyle, Iro, Ironraver1, itis, Jaman, Jambe R, janz, jarps, Jarsseli, jean mic, Jembaa, jeminia, JenDaQueen, Jessica81, johnnytys, Joker^, Jone, JOnetSki, Jonne, joun, Jozér, JQ, json, juGis, Juh4, Juha, juhi, JuhiOS, JuHnu, Jusna666, Jusuplussa, JXL, k!tty, k-0ne, Kagetora, Kaizu, kake, Kami, Kamiz, Kana, karinich, Karkki -CZ-, karmapolice, Katayama, KD, kemuttaja, keri, KeTe, Khimaira, KiimanenKurre, killabunny, Kimiii, kinderi, Kirtar, KittysDead, kml, kmn, korento, KP, Kristofer, KritikaL, Kävelevä katastrofi, La Petite, laeski^, Lafo, Lallu, Late, LauraLine, laurati, liikkuva muna, Lincra, Linella, Liqued, lohikarme, Lou, lovenjointlocks, lulu., Lumpy, Lyra, L_s_Master, maaki, Maihku, mainosjono, Malkavian, Mao & Taikahattu, Mar6, mariica, Marjo, marre, martina, Mav^, mayah, Mck, MDMAbuse, Mekha, merqus, MetsänHenki, MHZ, Mii La, Mikcore, miss-madam, Monoceros, Mr. Sinner, MrWizard, MushiNico, mXu, Möhkis, n., Nacu, Nadya, Nalliz, nane, NaperO, NasQ, natazea, nbr, nenni, NeoDragon, NEVAr, Nezi, nibes, nibo, nicky, Nightmare, Nightraver, niksON, Ninka, Niska, Nitta, no name, Nousu, novas, NukeCow, OCS, Oimo, oJay, Olsu, onni3mk, or_neon, Oupii, Ova, Oxidizer, o_°, P.V.D, Pablo, Pablo :D, pahanen, Panzer, Parker, peksii, Pelimies, PeNaZu, Pep´Sun, Pera, Petteri, PFM-1, pietari, Piiuzki, pikku my, pikku-markus, pinky, Polka, Poppana, Priest, psydog, Psykobitchfromhell, PsyTechHardDrum, pupu, Pusu, PuuhaOsku, PygmiPiru, pyllyjumala, QSR, QueenB, RABETZKY, RaCeR, randome, RantaPalleroinen, rave22, Raver, Rayman^^, Reiver, Rinik, Ripu rapu, RoboMikko, Rocca, romppu, RujoNic, Rupale, S-A-T-U, saig0ni, sakin, SandraEm, sanDrush, Saninas, Say-Me, Scorpion, Sebastian, sensus, Sephiroth, shanja, Shaz, Shira, Sienis, sini, sipe, Sjel, Skydiver, slirppa, slz, SmILE, snako, Sonya, soreus, soultech, sparffo, Sparkless, Sparkling, spit, Sponge^HMHC^, stewie, stina, sts, styrOx, subu, Sucy, Sundust, supertony, T-mu, t00sa, Taaja, tattistus, tavan, Teflon Bullet, Teho, Temes, Temppu, third_apollo, tiA*, Tiah, Tini-, tintsu, tjk, Tomato, Tommy, toni, TraileriPromoHuora, Trauma, treball, Tritium, Trixie, tuBBie, Tuibbaaah, Tupuna, Turbulenc, Turri, Tuukka-, twilighte, Twist, Tyeicha, typ0, tyyne, Tzaika, Töölön Prinsessa, UKrep, uniquest, unitarina, UnityF, Valentina, vergio, vihtakauppias, Viiru-, viltzu, Viper, wabitti, wammi, Watlala, welcho, wicked, Wiko, Wintermute, Wulan, Xenia, Xenom, xl8r, Yallu, Yazu, Yohooo, Yossu, yuhasan, Yunie, zaler, zari, zasu, ZaZa, Zeni-, zeuzz, ZEzo, Ziru, zombie*, Zulac, zweig, [collapse], [slim], [zuho], ^Antti^, ^nefertiti^, _Ezik_, _Katja_, _RixU_, _Summer_, _trap_, ~visual~, ~~Mystery~~, ~¤~P.E.X.I~¤~, ãnimãnic, ässä