Isolation Club - Spinni

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Vappuaattona 30.4. Spinni tuo etunurtsin lämmön ja opiskelijawapun tunnelman SWGBBOon Isolation Clubille.

SWGBBO on SWÄGin luoma alusta, jolla toimii virtuaaliklubi Isolation Club. DJ:t soittavat streamin välityksellä ja kuulijat bilettävät kotisohvaltaan. Samaan aikaan Isolation Clubilla on muutakin ohjelmaa, johon kannattaa ehdottomasti tutustua. Ohjeet osallistumiseen tapahtumakuvauksen lopussa.

Jos SWÄG ei ole entuudestaan tuttu, kannattaa tutustua. Tämä tamperelainen kulttuuriyhdistys järjestää musiikki- ja visuaalisen taiteen tapahtumia erittäin aktiivisesti.

On 30.4. Spinni brings the heat of etunurtsi and vibes of student Wappu to SWÄG's Isolation Club.

SWGBBO is a platform with virtual club Isolation Club, managed by SWÄG, where DJ's and other acts play through stream and audience parties from their living room couch. There will be other events going on in Isolation Club as well, check them out. Instructions for participating below.

If you are unfamiliar with SWÄG, make sure to check them out. They are a Tampere based organization focusing on music and visual arts.

17.00 Mikael
18.00 Pyry V
19.00 Satasii
20.00 Tampella
21.00 Trantsa-Tantsa
22.00 Köykkä
23.00 Retrome
00.30 Tuberculosis
Spinni <3 SWÄG
Spinni <3 U

1. Using Chrome, go to
2. Click "Register for free" to create your user account.
3. Click on "TO SWGBBO" button.
5. Find "spinni - etunurtsi" or "spinni - kerhohuone"-rooms.
6. Party!


1. Using Chrome, go to (it is already open to use)
2. Click "Register for free" to create your user account. There are no email checks, you can use a fake address. Click on "TO SWGBBO" button. The room links from the main page don't work.
3. ALLOW FLASH. This can be done by clicking on the lock icon next to the address bar in Chrome. Click "site settings", navigate to Flash and switch it to allow.
4. You can move the Youtube window from the border dragging it around the window. You can also minimize the window from the top bar. Youtube window will have live visuals on the event
5. You can edit your character's appearance by clicking on "Me" + "Clothes" in the bottom taskbar. In the same taskbar, click on "Rooms" to see the list of available rooms in the Isolation club. Click on a room's title to enter.
6. Walk around and get to know the rooms and objects in them. You can double click on certain objects to use them. There are also doors and teleports that will transport you to another room with a double click.
7. You can DANCE and do other stuff by clicking on your character. You can also edit your character's appearance from here.
8. Talk by typing your message in the box at the bottom of the screen.
9. Toggle music on or off and adjust the volume from the controls in the upper left corner.

If you encounter problems or have questions, feel free to post them here!