Hello. Less than week until next Trip To Goa :) <3
IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding our Friday 9th OCT (9.10.) event. New regulations imposed by authorities force all nightclubs to close latest 01AM which is caused by COVID-19 situation from 8.10. onwards. Because of this we cannot organize 9.10. event in originally planned timing.
It seems that for unknown period of time to make events like this the opening and closing times have to be earlier than we are used to. We are organizing the event in original Goa time zone : ) and open doors 19 clock and close them 01. Because of new event timing and shorter timeframe we have to move part of the event content to future Goa events. This circumstance is beyond control of Goa club and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Be prepared to arrive much earlier than usually.
MAOA Live (Reson8 Music)
Sarana Live
Proteus (Kosmos) B2B Aegonox (Goa)
Paul Eye (Unityverse Music)
Dreaml4nd (Entropy)
Deco: Hämärä Kollektiivi
VJ: Metamystik
late bird presale: 15eur (Tiketti),
limited amount guest list tickets (15eur) from Dreaml4nd Bandcamp, link below:
Birthday heros +-3 days (those who are born between 6.10. and 12.10.) get a free entrance to the party :) (IMPORTANT! you need to prove your identity with an ID)
Place: Kaivohuone
Address: Iso Puistotie 1, Helsinki
We are sad to inform you that Carbon Based Lifeforms have had to cancel their performance due to issues caused by COVID-19 situation and personal reasons.
We are doing all in our power to bring you an excellent Trip To Goa experience with similar music and excellent domestic performers <3
As a bonus for all ticket holders we are offering free entrance to next Goa Progressive event + Bandcamp versions of Dreaml4nd – Dreamland and Dreaml4nd – Zilk Road albums. Next Goa Progressive event is currently planned for 18.12. @ Helsinki. Details how to get bonus are in the end of party information. If you are not satisfied you can return bought tickets to the place where you bought them from until Friday 2th OCT (2.10.). If you want to support Goa club in these very difficult times and help our ability to bring you more similar events in the future then please support us by keeping the ticket. Ps. We are working behind the scenes and trying to bring you Carbon Based Lifeforms in 2021.
Pps. We have seen multiple fake Trip To Goa events in Facebook that have copied our party flyer and event texts. These events are likely created by scam bots that are trying to sell non-existing live-streams or other frauds closer to event date. You will recognize a genuine Goa club event by looking at event hosts. If Goa club page is not hosting the event then it is a fake event. Please report and remove yourself from all fake event
All 2nd hand ticket sale posts will be removed unless they contain the following information. 1. Where the ticket was bought from, 2. date of event, the name of the event (Trip To Goa) and the main artist of the event (Carbon Based Lifeforms). The reason for this is that ticket scam bots are trying to sell non-existing tickets to our events and we will remove all sales posts that appear as a scam.
Instructions for getting Trip To Goa bonus (does not apply to late bird tickets): free entrance to next Goa Progressive event + free Bandcamp editions of Dreaml4nd – Dreamland and Dreaml4nd – Zilk Road albums. After Saturday 3th OCT send and email message to goafinland [AT] gmail [DOT] com with following subject: “Trip To Goa ticket bonus”. Write the number of your ticket (13 numbers) to the message. In addition write the name of the person that will get a free entrance to next Goa Progressive event. You will then be sent with activation codes of the albums + confirmation.
Trip to Goa bonus emails are processed after the event and it could take 1-2 weeks to receive a reply.