Kosmos Festival 2022

  From until   Buy tickets   www.facebook.com/…/1421083951377557  
Kosmos Festival, Raitinpurontie 135, 52510 Mikkeli

Check that "Kosmos Festival" is the only organiser for this event. If any other organiser / organisations are mentioned, you're probably looking at a fake event so be aware ;)


Dear Kosmonauts,

With heavy hearts we have to announce that due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, we have no other option than to bend the space-time continuum and time travel to summer 2021 in order to organize Kosmos Festival 2020 there.

That's right. Kosmos Festival 2020 is not cancelled, just moved to summer 2021.

Quick answers:
- New date will be decided and announced later.
- Lineup in 2021 will follow the 2020 plan as close as possible.
- Tickets purchased for Kosmos Festival 2020 will be valid for Kosmos Festival 2021.
- Tickets can also be refunded.
- More information and details will be posted during the following weeks.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this decision might cause and wish that everyone of you stays safe and well during these exceptional times. We urge everyone to carefully follow the official health & safety guidelines provided by world's best experts and keep doing it until they instruct otherwise.

While we are all in this situation together: Please look after each other, keep showing your best care and love for one another and offer your help for those in need if possible.

We'll be back soon with another update.đź’›



The Gathering Of Electronic Tribes 2021

8.-11.7.2021 Närhilä, Ristiina Finland

Welcome to the 7th edition of Kosmos Festival!

Tickets - Tiketti:

Buy tickets: https://www.tiketti.fi/kosmosfestival

Ticket types:

-Friday to Sunday 93,50€
-Thursday to Sunday 118,50€
-Upgrade existing 2020 ticket for Thursday 22,50€ (optional)
-Tickets at the festival gate 100€ -125€


'Always look on the bright side of life'