Heinäkuun lauantait on UGGLAssa pyhitetty houselle & teknolle, niinpä myös Uprising palaa muutaman kuukauden tauolta.
UGGLAn kellarissa illan aloittaa mm. Insomniacsista tuttu, pääasiassa tech housea soittava kaksikko Illschnitzell. He ovat viime aikoina keskittyneet enemmänkin tuottamiseen ja dekkien takana heitä on nähty suhteellisen harvoin. Heidän jälkeensä soittovastuun ottavat Clinicin residentit Joonas L & Jekaterina b2b keikalla. Luvassa on varmasti raitoja deep housesta, tech housen kautta teknoon.
Loungessa musasta vastaa deep housea soittava The Half Brothers Sloveniasta. The Half Brothers koostuu kahdesta herrasta, Cajhenista sekä Tickosta, joista Ticko onkin vieraillut jo useamman kerran Helsingin klubeilla vuosien aikana.
Two half brothers, two mixing tables. This is a new story in which Ticko - the older brother and Cajhen - the younger one, have joined their powers. They started working together this season, when they tested their skills and proved themselves at IBIZA, where the idea od working together and starting something new started to come true. They have 8 years of age difference, which isn't slowing them down in case of creating a new story with Overload. Ticko as well as Cajhen started DJ.ing when they were 19 years old, and up till now they have separately excited crowds on various club scenes all over Slovenia and also in other countries. With good technical skills they will perform on two mixing tables with six channels, with which they will create all different kinds of tech electronic music and will spice it up with various loops and samples. There is no doubt - there will be something for every ear!