Helsingin Mbarista, Beetrootista, Rose Gardenista, Loopista ja monesta muusta paikasta tuttu iltama SoNice! rantautuu nyt wappunaattona Turun Fontin yläkertaan Housen, discon ja muun lepposan musiikin rytmittämänä. (Sulo)Sointuja tarjoilevat tutut SoNice! boisit Sam Lainio ja Jakob. Tyle! Pidetään kunnon wappupaardit!
Well known from MBar, Beetroo, Rose Garden, Loop and many other places is Helsinki. SoNice! is now making its way to the wonderful city of Turku with a special 1st of May extravaganza. The good ol' boys Sam Lainio and Jakob are taking to the decks at Fontti to spin a selection of house, disco and other classic tracks. Come on down, make it a road trip, gather your friends and pop a bottle of bubbly. Lets have a festive Wappu together!