22:00 Jekaterina
23:30 Zacharian
00:30 Pig&Dan
02:30 Jay Fish
Kun uuden vuoden 23 tunnin “aamuista" on ehditty toipua pari viikkoa, on vuorossa Clinicin 8v synttärit Kaivohuoneella.
Pääesiintyjäksi synttäreille saapuu Mallorcalla majaileva Pig&Dan! Pig&Dan yhdistelee keikoilla niin teknoa, tech housea kuin deep houseakin, aina tilanteen mukaan. Pig&Dan on ollut jo vuosia todella kovassa nosteessa soitellen ympäri maailmaa isoimilla klubeilla ja festareilla. Deejiikeikkojen lisäksi kaksikko on julkaissut musaa erittäin ahkerasti, mm. seuraavilla tunnetuilla levy-yhtiöillä: Sven Väthin Cocoon Recordingsilla, Slam's Somalla, John Digweedin Bedrockilla, Monika Krusen Terminal M:llä sekä Richie Hawtinin Plus 8:lla. Omien biisien lisäksi herrat ovat tehneet remixejä mm. Underworldille, DEADMAU5:lle John Digweedille jne jne
Pig&Danin lisäksi musiikista vastaavat Clinicin residentit Jay Fish, Jekaterina sekä Zacharian.
Clinicin 8 v synttärit tuskin jättävät ketään kylmäksi, oli keli tammikuussa mikä tahansa. Ei siis kannata jäädä himaan suremaan kylmää tai muuten surkeaa ilmaa, vaan suunnaksi kannattaa ottaa legendaarinen Kaivohuone. Unohda siis tipaton ja tanssikengät jalkaan ja menoksi!
-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue and escorting to the table
-Table reserved for all night next to the stage
-1 bottle of xxxxx + mixers, 2 bottles of sparkling wine
For more than a Decade Pig&Dan have been jamming in the studio, producing musical adventures that hold their signature sound. Apart from their prolific work as producers they’ve been traveling the globe as Peak time DJ’s and playing at some of the best events on the planet. They’ve been smashing it up at Ultra, Tomorrowland and Awakenings to name a few, plus blessing the decks in legendary clubs such as Amnesia Ibiza, Crobar Buenos Aires, and Womb Tokyo. Its clear that their euphoric-pumping sounds has lifted the roof on a global level...
Pig&Dan’s productions have been released on renowned labels such as Sven Väth's Cocoon Recordings, Slam's Soma, John Digweed's Bedrock, Monika Kruse's Terminal M and Richie Hawtins Plus 8 ... Apart from their extensive discography they’ve collaborated and remixed for the some of the industries greats including Underworld, DEADMAU5, John Digweed, and Innercity with their massive classic Goodlife...
After so many years in the business plus four albums under their belt, the dynamic duo took it upon themselves to push their personal envelope on LP number five by producing the much acclaimed downtempo album “Destination Unknown”. Boasting flavors of Hip-Hop, Dub and soul they managed to top the Beatport chart from more than 4 months in a genre they have never topped previously.
It seems there’s no boundaries when talking of Pig&Dan’s diversity.