Kosmos Festival 2014 tarjoaa Sinulle parhaan mahdollisen juhlakokemuksen kauniissa suomalaisessa kesämaisemassa. Tämän tapahtuman rakentamisessa mikään yksityiskohta ei ole liian pieni tai suuri huomioitavaksi, ja toivomme Sinun olevan aktiivinen osallistuja tunnelman ja kulttuurin luomisessa. Nauti musiikista, tanssi itsesi näännyksiin, osallistu työpajoihin, tuo omat instrumenttisi, hymyile tuntemattomille, koe uusia makuja, keskustele yöt ja päivät läpeensä maailman kaikista asioista. Tee mitä haluat, mitä et edes tiennyt vielä haluavasi, tai tiennyt olevan edes mahdollista. Haluamme tehdä Sinulle ja ystävillesi, uusille ja olemassaoleville, parhaan mahdollisen ympäristön nauttia, oppia ja kokea.
Festivaalin taustalta löytyvät jo nimensä lunastaneen Miazun ja Pollyn vetämä POTB, viime vuosina erityisen leimansa bilekenttään painaneen Auran työryhmä, liekittävää ristitulta tarjoava Proteuksen ja Genkin luotsaama A for Anarchy sekä eteerisiä soundeja tarjoava Avaruusasema ruorissaan Inkeri Tähti ja Indigo. Pidät sitten psykestä, technosta, junkasta, ravesta, hardista, ambientista, dubstepistä tai psychillistä, Kosmos Festivalilta löydät sen ja tietenkin paljon muuta! Tule kanssamme luomaan unohtumatonta tapahtumaa!
Forest / Psychedelic / Progressive / Hitech / Twilight / Full On / Goa / Suomi / Freeform / Zenonesque
Vortex Stage will feature psychedelic trance in it’s many forms of the modern era. The lineup is built by the infamous POTB & Aura. Both organizations have been involved in countless memorable psytrance spectacles over many years. They have already left a permanent impact in the Finnish psy trance scene, yet they still thrive to create more events with even higher quality each time. Behind the POTB name stand Miazu & Polly, and Aura is represented by Agent, Turbulence, Dogora, Azar and Avara.
Gravity by A For Anarchy
Drum & Bass / Hard / Tech House / Techno / Breakbeat / Dubstep / Progressive
Gravity Stage will cover moods from hypnotic techno onslaught to raging hard, as well as rolling drum’n’bass. During daytime you can shake your booty to some groovy tech -house and funky breakbeats. A for Anarchy henchmen Proteus & Genki will be responsible for the lineup, letting you expect almost anything related to underground dance music: especially the kind of sounds you never knew to expect. Oldschool industrial vibes will shake hands with the latest styles in a way that will rock your world.
Spacetime will feature planetary soundscapes of psychill and ambient from outer space. These waveforms will transport the listeners beyond time and space, without forgetting to pause to explore a yet unknown galaxy every now and then. Aside from the ethereal chill sounds, our skilled spaceship pilots Inkeri Tähti & Indigo will provide us a programme including also mellow rhythms for the summer afternoon. Avaruusasema have continuously been active in pushing the wide spectrum of brain music in the finnish party scene, and as we all know, a good chill in a festival is worth it’s space in gold.
In addition to music, we offer you a wide variety of other programme.
During daytime, workshops and lectures can immerse you in the secrets of electronic music and related arts such as decoration, acrobatics, alternative lifestyle, natural healing, conscious thinking and many other topics.
Take a break from partying in our healing area, where several different kinds of natural healing methods are introduced.
Our festival features the most creative visual artists, whose work has been brought to the stages and other festival area to light up your party experience. Each stage will feature a different theme to support the mood of the music.
Want to feature your special skills at the festival site? Please contact us with the form found from our website: www.kosmosfestival.fi/info
We offer you the opportunity to buy tickets with low discount prices. Please note that we will be limiting the first five categories to 50 tickets per category. If the category is sold out before the due date, the price of the next category will come into effect.
Ticket categories:
32 € until 1.12.2013 limited to 50pcs SOLD OUT
37 € until 1.1.2014 limited to 50pcs SOLD OUT
42 € until 1.3.2014 limited to 50pcs SOLD OUT
47,5 € until 1.4.2014 limited to 50pcs SOLD OUT
52,5 € until 1.5.2014 limited to 50pcs SOLD OUT
58 € until 6.6.2014 not limited
Ticket price will be more at the festival gate!
The minimum age requirement for entry in the Kosmos Festival is 18 years. However, minors under the age of 18 will be allowed entry if accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian. We kindly ask you to carry proof of your age with you when entering the gates, such as an ID-card or a passport. The festival personnel cannot be held responsible for refunding the ticket price if entry to the festival is denied due to unpresented proof of age.