ATEAH FALL (New Event, Resident)
NIP ONE, AUDACIOUS (Visions Collective)
Fusion Festival, Bachstelzen, Berliini, Saksa....
Näistä avainsanoista voi lähteä liikkeelle, kun haluaa avata ensimmäistä albumiaan julkaisevaa duoa - SOUKIE & WINDISH. Miehet ovat lähteneet kiertueelle ympäri eurooppaa, ja NEW EVENT sai tilaisuuden tuoda miehet Saksasta suomeen osana laajempaa keikkaruljanssia. Paikaksi valikoitui menestyneen joulukuisen Skinnerbox-illan myötä CLUB PLAYGROUND sen intiimisyyden ja teknisesti hyvän toteutuksen vuoksi.
Residenttinä iltaa viihdyttää totutusti ATEAH FALL, jonka musiikillinen mieltymys ja valikoima mukailee illan pääesiintyjien omaa tuotantoa. Lämmittämässä iltaa sekä tuomassa viime tunteihin tätä samaa tunnetta, joka Fusion Festivaleilla on nähty, valikoitui Helsinkiläisestä VISIONS -kollektiivista mukaan NIP ONE sekä AUDACIOUS - odotettavissa on täten tummemman, synkemmän ja deepin housen juhlaa!

SOUKIE & WINDISH (URSL Records, Fusion Festival, Bachstelzen, GER)
"Nayan Soukie and Fritz Windish are an intercity duo based in Berlin and Hamburg. They are deeply rooted in the north of Germany with strong ties to some of the best venues like Fusion Festival and Bachstelzen. In a short period of time the two have established their own sound, which surprises with a variety of styles between deep house productions on URSL and 200 Records or more functional tracks with a pop attitude on labels like “Time has Changed” and “Liebe Detail”. But you always have the signature of driving deepness, which works like a carpet under the feet and the long and psychedelic breaks make you shiver on the floor. Soukie & Windish are a sure shot for mature and dirty dancefloor, but they also like to play on virgin grounds in the beginning of the night.
This does not imply that they do not guarantee an euphoric experience at peak time. Their sets are a mixture of Dj Set and Livesounds. Nayan Soukie is in the mix, with loops and effects, while Fritz Windish improvises with his huge collections of samples on this mix. The two are disassembling tracks on the flow and reintegrate new dynamics on the groove and sounds into breaks, they never miss the perfect drop and the whole performance seems to emerge from a single mystery source. The time is flying and the energy of the two is always infecting the crowd! Follow them and you will see that they will be a driving force of techno music in the future."
ATEAH FALL (New Event, Resident)
NIP ONE, AUDACIOUS (Visions Collective)
Valot: Playground
Sound System: Precision Audio
Perjantaina 5.4.2013 22:00-04:00
Club Playground, Helsinki
Liput: 12 €