Eli Efekti ry esittää vuoden takaisin perinteen mukaan NoitaTanssit Halloweenin kunniaksi. Paikkana toimii perinteinen opiskelijaravintola Rentukka, Jyväskylän taikamesta Kortepohjassa.
Kaikki paikalle ja dresscode on luonnollisesti evil style! Paras puku luvataan edelleen palkita - kepponen vai ei?
Psykonautti (Efekti ry, Existence - Dark "Halloween" Psy) -
Existence-festival https://www.facebook.com/ExistenceFestival?ref=ts&fref=ts
WitchDance @ Rentukka, Jyväskylä 3.11. 19:00 - 03:00
Trick or Treating start at seven in the evening and last until the darkest moments of the night ending at three am.
Damage: 5/4 € (students discount)
Spooky action eminent!! Quote from someone from the original Spooky House.
Efekti ry presents the tradition of WitchDance in honour of Halloween. Events takes place in the well known student bar Rentukka in Jyväskylä's magical place Kortepohja.
Everybody is invited and the dress code is evil style! The best costume will be awarded - trick or treat?
Dj:s playing this year:
Psykonautti (Efekti ry, Existence - Dark "Halloween" Psy) -