A new monday club at IsoRoba 10 celebrating the start of 2012.
Your weekly monday night of deep, warm house.
Next monday we have Miss Delay and Allu as guests to wish in the new year with some hypnotic house grooves. Let´s slow it down, keep it intimate, intricate with a healthy dose of funk as our DNA!
Eli eli soitetaan lämmintä ja sielukasta housea rennolla ja eklektisellä otteella. Alla olevat levylafkat edustavat pitkälti soundimaailmamme....
If Kompakt, Inner Visions, Supplement facts, Mobilee, Visionquest, Tongut, Circus Company, Hot Creations, Hot Waves, Ovum, Cocoon, Culprit, Bpitch, Poker Flat, Crosstown rebels, Systematic, Hertzblut, Iboga, Ostgut Ton, Rekids, Spectral, Get Physical, Cadenza, Minus, Parquet floats your boat..... than you will like this!