Unity, Misc and the Circus present LOVE feat. SASHA 23.7.2011 @ The Circus

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#1 • • Edited LOVE

SASHA (Renaissance / Global Underground - UK) - http://www.djsasha.com/


"The son of God?" - Mixmag
"Sasha is the master of the musical mix" - John Digweed
"My alltime favorite DJ" - Orkidea

- Voted as the #1 DJ in the world by DJ Mag (year 2000).
- Progressive house pioneer & legend and the very first true superstar DJ.
- Known for his Renaissance, Global Underground and Involver mix CDs.
- Producer of classics like Xpander, Scorchio and Wavy Gravy.
- Grammy nominated remixer of Madonna, Moby and Chemical Brothers.
- Winner of countless "Best DJ", "Best Remixer" and "Best Album" awards.
- Held residencies at Renaissance (UK), Twilo (NYC) and Amnesia (Ibiza).

"The acid house boom in the late 1980’s packed the hard-beaten clubs, which had suffered a big loss of crowd and vibe since “disco died” in the early 80’s. It was a time before the Internet. In order to catch up with the latest trends you had to go out every weekend and follow the international press closely.

In early 1990’s, one could notice more and more articles on the UK press praising a young DJ on his way to super-stardom, a DJ, whose sets packed a club called Shelley’s week after week. As the word spread around, pilgrims started to wander to Stoke-on-Trent every weekend from all the UK. A star named Sasha was born.

For a person not living in the UK, the next encounter with Sasha was via a DiscoMixClub / MixMag presented mix-tape, which allowed one to witness – through a hissing and humming c-cassette - not only faultless beatmatching in master class, but also an interesting selection of music combining Italo House with melodic tracks with euphoric undertones – which was something not too common during that time and era. It was music that some years later become to be known as trance and progressive house – the very basis of modern club sound alongside house.

A couple of years later Sasha left Shelley’s and teamed up with another talented lad, John Digweed as the resident DJ’s for Renaissance. In 1993, they released the world’s first ever DJ-mixed compilation, ‘Renaissance The Mix Collection’, which still almost 20 years after its initial release is regarded by many as the best DJ album ever made. Everything Sasha touched turned into gold.

All pieces fell into place in September 2003 on a dark Thrusday night at Hesperia Night Club in Helsinki. A night that anybody involved in any way in the Finnish club scene couldn’t afford to miss. For the first time, Alexander “Sasha” Coe put his feet (and mark) on the Finnish. More than a 10 years wait became a reality and the Experience, probably the best word to describe that night out, was living up to ones expectation – an ordinary looking guy behind the mixing desk, deceptively looking inattentive to what is passing, yet very much aware of the crowd, its moods and that exact moment. No hired dancers jumping up and down on the stage, no loud pyrotechnics or fancy effects. Only the Man and his Music – just the way it should be."

- DJ Jokke – Street Beat – Electronic Music Lover since the 70’s.

THE EVENTSalomonkatu 1-3, Narinkkatori, 00100 Helsinki
Saturday 23rd of July 2011
22:00 - 04:00
Age Limit 20

SASHA (Renaissance / Global Underground - UK) - 3 hour set
ORKIDEA (Unity / Jack )
ODED PELED (Misc Management / Basso)


Light design by TEA & SEVERI (Unity)
VJ XPLOITEC (Flow / Laserpoint)

TICKETS19€ + 1€ charity from Helsinki 10 - http://www.helsinki10.fi/
20,20€ + shipping from Tiketti - http://www.tiketti.fi/
19€ from the door at the night of the event

There is a 1€ booking fee for each ticket sold from Helsinki10, which will be given out directly to the Arts Kid Can Do charity organisation - http://artskidcando.fi/

KLAUS K HOTEL GIVES YOU LOVEWe have teamed up with the beautiful Klaus K hotel to give you a special night to share with a loved one. The package includes accommodation for two, drinks at Ahjo Bar & Club, tickets for LOVE, breakfast and a late check out at 14.00.

114 € for a Mystical or Passion Double room
129 € for a Desire King or Twin room

There are only a limited amount of rooms available, so be quick. This offer is available until the 16th of July or until rooms run out.

Book your room by calling 020 7704700 or email: [email protected]. Please use the key word 'LOVE' when booking.


WEBSITE Feel it at www.lovehelsinki.fi

FACEBOOKJoin us at

LOVE. Brings us all together. http://www.clubunity.org


LOVE STORY 1. THE NOWMathematically speaking, if you put the past and the future together, the result would be 'NOW'. That is where we are, at any given moment of time. You see, the truth is that there is no past or future. The only thing that truly exists is this moment, which is by now gone and given room to the next true moment. Which is gone again.

We are drawn towards people that connect with the moment. We get cold shivers, get high, laugh and cry when we see someone being right here, right now. They might be a superstar DJ, a dancer, a cook, an athlete, an actor, a painter, or just someone doing their gardening in the purest and truest form. That is what we consider a higher form of being, although the truth is, that it is just ‘being’.

True LOVE lies within ourselves, all of the time. And loving together takes us higher than we could imagine. So let’s come together again, under one roof, with a big stack of sound and the most open and happy people around town. LOVE is here this summer. Not yet, but very soon. The event is headlined by one of the first true superstar DJs in history, a man that has been a big part of the sound of now, for nearly 20 years. So check out the date, open your calendar and mark it as: ‘Be here. Now’.

LOVE. Brings us all together.

LOVE STORY 2. THE ARTWORKI went to art school with these people. At the time Finland had a little punk left in it, so we could smoke cigarettes inside the school cafeteria. And so we did. We played foosball, tricked free coffees by clanging coins at the side of the change jar, smoked a hell of a lot and talked about 'them'. Them were the ones who had already left the school, got good jobs, started their own design practices, were mentioned in the coolest industry papers and blogs around the globe. Their works got printed and pinned on walls, for inspiration and beauty. We wondered how in the world they came up with that and what were they taking to be that good. And then we lit another one. And stole some more coffee.

I'm so grateful that even though we don't go to school no more, we still hang out occasionally. You make me laugh so hard that I don't know if it's you or the medication I'm on.

Hey TSTO, yeah you became them, I'm happy to know you. I still pin your works on my wall.

Kaarle Hurtig - Professional in love and craft


DOWNLOAD LOVE DESKTOP IMAGES http://www.lovehelsinki.fi/wp/madewithlove

Posts: 682

#2 • • Jil
Tätä osattiin jo vähän odotella.
Huhhuh vuoden kovin buukkaus suomen maalla kirkkaasti!

Posts: 322

#3 • • Armadance Booth Bitch - HC Forum Spammer

Posts: 7,734

#4 • • epicuros

Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 25

#5 • • Siune
Ensimmäiset LOVE.t mulle ja mikä buukkaus tarjolla! Upeeta. *tirsk*

Posts: 2,102

#6 • • Homegrove Further
Tätä en missaa, mies on uskomattoman hyvässä vedossa taas pitkästä aikaa. Abletonin jättäminen selvästi auttoi.

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 682

#8 • • Jil

Replying to Unity, Misc and the Circus present LOVE feat. SASHA 23.7.2011 @ The Circus:

Tätä en missaa, mies on uskomattoman hyvässä vedossa taas pitkästä aikaa. Abletonin jättäminen selvästi auttoi.

2005 Maida Valen EM tais olla Abletoinin live ja yks kaikkien aikojen huikeimmista mixauksista mitä oon ikinä kuullu. En sit tiiä et mitä herralle on sen jälkeen tapahtunu. Oon kuullu tältä vuodelta jo kiitettävän monta mixausta ja siitä kyl samaa mieltä että ylöspäin ollaan taas menty verrattuna esim. parin vuoden takasiin livenauhotteisiin.

Posts: 421

#9 • • yertle
Voivoi, tästä kyllä kiitän etukäteen. Sasha on mulle yhtä rakas ku Digweed Homegrovelle. Involverit varsinkin on soinu elämässä aika hurjasti, ihanaa että viimein pääsee kuuntelemaan tyyppiä klubillekin <3

Posts: 55

#10 • • Edited LOVE
TICKETSA very limited amount of 15€ Early Bird Tickets will be sold exclusively from Helsinki 10, starting from Monday 6th of June at 11.00.

There is a 1€ booking fee for each ticket sold from Helsinki10, which will be forwarded directly to the 'Arts Kid Can Do' charity organization. Arts Kid Can Do is a Helsinki-Based NGO that sponsors, organizes and runs art camps for street children in Nepal. For more information please visit: http://artskidcando.fi / http://www.youtube.com/user/2010mrth

Regular ticket sales start on Friday 10th of June from Helsinki 10 (http://www.helsinki10.fi/) and Tiketti (http://www.tiketti.fi/).

Posts: 55

#11 • • LOVE
THE ARTWORK - INKA JÄRVINENI went to art school with these people. At the time Finland had a little punk left in it, so we could smoke cigarettes inside the school cafeteria. And so we did. We played foosball, tricked free coffees by clanging coins at the side of the change jar, smoked a hell of a lot and talked about 'them'. Them were the ones who had already left the school, got good jobs, started their own design practices, were mentioned in the coolest industry papers and blogs around the globe. Their works got printed and pinned on walls, for inspiration and beauty. We wondered how in the world they came up with that and what were they taking to be that good. And then we lit another one. And stole some more coffee.

I'm so grateful that even though we don't go to school no more, we still hang out occasionally. You make me laugh so hard that I don't know if it's you or the medication I'm on.

Hey TSTO, yeah you became them, I'm happy to know you. I still pin your works on my wall.

Kaarle Hurtig - Professional in love and craft


DOWNLOAD LOVE DESKTOP IMAGES http://www.lovehelsinki.fi/wp/madewithlove

Posts: 55

#12 • • Edited LOVE
TICKETS ARE OUT NOW19€ + 1€ charity from Helsinki 10 - http://www.helsinki10.fi/
20,20€ + shipping from Tiketti - http://www.tiketti.fi/
19€ from the door at the night of the event

There is a 1€ booking fee for each ticket sold from Helsinki10, which will be given out directly to the Arts Kid Can Do charity organisation - http://artskidcando.fi/

KLAUS K HOTEL GIVES YOU LOVEWe have teamed up with the beautiful Klaus K hotel to give you a special night to share with a loved one. The package includes accommodation for two, drinks at Ahjo Bar & Club, tickets for LOVE, breakfast and a late check out at 14.00.

114 € for a Mystical or Passion Double room
129 € for a Desire King or Twin room

There are only a limited amount of rooms available, so be quick. This offer is available until the 16th of July or until rooms run out.

Book your room by calling 020 7704700 or email: [email protected]. Remember to use the key word 'LOVE' when booking.



Posts: 55

#13 • • LOVE
I’ve started to believe more and more that things happen for a reason. I even have the thought tattooed on my skin. Serendipity. An unsought experience that can be the best thing that ever happened to you.

I met a guy whom I didn’t recognize at first. But he sure knew who I was. He was a person so far from my past that I had intentionally forgotten him. I knew him when I was 14 and he was one of the cool kids. The kids that burned my picnic blanket in our school yard one summer. Yup, not cool, I tell you. I’d actively shoved him in the farthest corner of my memories – the ”evil” section.

But the thing is, people actually can change dispite what they teach you at school. They can if they want to. I had sworn I’d never talk to that cool crowd again since they made my life a living hell. But how long can you be angry at the past? Especially when it comes to you smiling and asking for forgiveness.

People cling on the sad stuff and too often are unable to forgive. They wish that the future would come and rescue them like some prince or God. They say ”my life begins when my children are all grown up” or ”I’ll start living as soon as I retire”.

Well guess what? Your life happens now. Not yesterday, not tomorrow. Now.

What I’m trying to say I guess is that I too have a few things to learn about living in the now.

It’s not an easy task what I’m asking you (and myself) to do. To see and value what you have. To stand still and look what you’ve been offered today. The universe has a funny way of throwing great experiences on our path. But if we just wait for them to happen or mourn the past, we’ll lose the experiences we could be enjoying at this very second. Like staying up all night with a stranger in Helsinki. Don’t worry about tomorrow. It’ll all work out just fine.

This might sound like a big old cliche to you. But ask yourself, how often do you really enjoy your life just as it is? That’s what I thought.

You and I started writing these letters almost two years ago. If someone would have told me back then that our little blog and its photos would take us to places (such as the opening of our first photo exhibition) I would have not taken that person seriously.

Most importantly these letters have brought us closer together and I really appreciate that. There isn’t a thing in the past that would still make me mad at you. And there isn’t a dream that I’d want us desperately to achieve. I’m calm and sure that what will happen is the best thing that could happen for us.

Surrender yourself to the possibilities of life, and great adventures will come to you.

With LOVE as always,

Emmi Sjöholm - Writer, Photographer and Love Ambassador


Posts: 55

#14 • • LOVE
LOVE & SUMMER SOUND FESTIVAL SPECIAL TICKETWe have some great news to all of the lovers of summer and beautiful sounds. Summer Sound Festival and LOVE have come together and give you the chance to experience both of this summers biggest club music events for the price of 39€ + booking fee!

There are only 100 tickets available from Tiketti until the 20th of July, or until they have sold out.

We are all looking forward to celebrating with you!

Posts: 1,266

#15 • • Orion

DJ Orion @ YleX – 15.07.2011 – XmiX: Sasha (UK)

@ http://www.djorion.fi/radio

Perjantaina 15.7.2011 YleX:n XmiX-deckkeihin tarttuu brittiläinen DJ Sasha. Maailman parhaaksi DJ:ksi Migmagin äänestyksessä valittu ja jo vuonna ’89 ensimmäisen DJ-residenssinsä Hacienda-klubilla tehnyt Sasha on edelleen klubimaailman terävimmän kärjen trendsettereitä. Mixmag valitsi Sashan hiljattain “Kaikkien aikojen 10 suurinta DJ:tä” -listalle – nykyisestä kotikaupungistaan New Yorkista tavoitettu Sasha kertoo tuntuuko 30 vuoden levyjensoittamisen jälkeen moinen titteli enää missään ja paljastaa haastattelussa mm. Involver-albumisarjansa jatkosuunnitelmista.

Sashan haastattelu ja tunnin XmiX kuullaan klo 23.

Ohjelma on kuultavissa jälkikäteen Ylen Areenalla viikon ajan:

Katso myös ohjelman sivut – huutele studion suuntaan, lähetä palautetta, selaa biisilistoja tai lähetä oma biisisi soittoon: http://www.djorion.fi/radio

Tune in – nyt perjantaina klo 23-24.
Web-stream: http://areena.yle.fi/player/index.php?channel=2&language=fi

YleX: http://ylex.yle.fi/radio/ohjelmat/dj-orion
Facebook: http://bit.ly/djorion
DJOrion.fi: http://www.djorion.fi/radio

Posts: 55

#16 • • Edited LOVE
ME & SASHA - BY DJ ORKIDEAAs many of you probably know this Saturday we have LOVE event with legendary DJ Sasha. This is Sasha’s first appearance in Finland in ten years and I’m super happy and excited to have him here because he holds special value to me. I even consider him to be my all time favorite DJ and one of the biggest influencers during my career.

I had heard and read about this mythical character from the UK dance press in mid 90s but it was his 13 minute remix of BTs Embracing The Sunshine on Perfecto in 1995 that really struck me. It was so well produced, sounded amazingly intelligent and had this amazing sense of musical journey in it. Quite nothing like any other track before. Soon after followed his singles Be As One and Ohmna, many classic Sasha remixes and I was hooked. During the years he has been pioneering the UK progressive house through out the 90s, quality prog trance in the late 90s/early 2000, modern tech house and electronica and most recently a more techno influenced sound. All that with an epic Sasha touch.

The first time I heard his live DJ mix was on a noisy C-cassette which DJ Kiki had recorded from Berlin Kiss FM. It included tracks like the Bedrock remix of Chakra’s I Am and Sasha’s Ohmna and featured some of the most musical harmonic mixing I’ve ever heard. Which was much more rare in the vinyl days. Ever since then Sasha’s DJ mixes have always been unique and Northern Exposure, Involver, Global Underground and Renaissance mixes are all amazingly timeless. Renaissance Mix Collection 1 was the first properly commercially succeful mix CD, Northern Exposure introduced whole new level of quality in long transitions while Involver CDs have taken the whole concept of “DJ Mix” to a new level with Sasha reconstructing and remixing the tracks from scratch.

His magic isn’t only in recordings though. I remember vividly hearing him in places like E-Werk and No Ufos in Berlin and Pacha and Space in Ibiza where his music has always been most up-to-date, reflecting the most current and future music trends. Sasha is always musically very much NOW.

Sasha has also a very special role in my musical career. He was the one most heavily supporting my debut single ‘Unity’ in 1998/1999 and perhaps without him opening his NYE BBC Radio Essential Mix with that - the single might not have been released. Steelfish had already made the decision not to release it (because of some sample clearance issues;) but after Sasha played it the emails and calls started pouring in and Steelfish decided to go for it. Unity went to DMC Hype Chart Top 20, was played by Pete Tong on Essential Selection and was licensed to Gatecrasher and Renaissance compilations so I’m eternally thankful to Sasha for the support.

To celebrate this special event I decided to dedicate this month Radio Unity for some Sasha’s old school classic tracks and remixes. It will air tonight on Afterhours.fm at 21-22 CET. Please join me and many likeminded music lovers on a live chat at the AH.FM message forum. It is worth mentioning that this mix will consentrate on his more trancey stuff from the late 90s and early 2000s - while his current sound is more focused on progressive, tech house and techno. Still with that epic journey vibe though. I’ve also listed below my favorite musical Sasha moments.

All this being said, when waiting for his performance this Saturday lets still remember that he is no rainmaker - just a man with some really good music, great mixing skills and an eye & ear for taking people on a music journey. Come join us on on that journey this Saturday at The Circus.

MY TOP 5 SASHA TRACKS1. Sasha: Xpander
2. Sasha VS. Junkie XL: Beauty Never Fades
3. Sasha: Ohma
4. Sasha & Emerson - Scorchio
5. Sasha: Mongoose

MY TOP 5 SASHA REMIXES1. BT: Embracing The Sunshine (Sasha remix)
2. UNKLE: In a State (Sasha Remix)
3. Felix Da Housecat: Watching Cars Go By (Sasha Remix)
4. BT: Remember (Sasha Remix)
5. Chemical Brothers: Out of Control (Sasha remix)

MY TOP 5 SASHA MIX CDS1. Sasha & Digweed: Northern Exposure
2. Sasha: Global Underground Ibiza
3. Sasha: Involver
4. Sasha: Global Underground San Francisco
5. Sasha & Digweed: Renaissance Mix Collection 1

With Love - DJ Orkidea

Posts: 7,734

#17 • • Edited epicuros
Joo. Näitä ei vaa yksinkertaisesti voi missata. Kaverilla on sellanen litanja uskomattomia settejä ja unohtumattomia biisejä, et ei GU-fanille yksinkertaisesti ole edes vaihtoehtoja kuin löytää itsensä Circuksen tanssilattialta. x]



Valid criticism does you a favor.


Posts: 55

#18 • • LOVE
LOVE SO FAR - THE VIDEOOnly two more days before LOVE is here again! Spirits are rising and the heat is definitely on. To get you further into the mood, here is a beautiful video from the first 3 LOVE events featuring Pete Tong, Paul Oakenfold, Eric Prydz and you.



Posts: 2,102

#19 • • Homegrove Further

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 1,437

#20 • • Tapi Dreamstate
^ Kyllä!

Sashan keikkaa odotellessa kannattaa kuunnella hänen yhä uunituoreelta kuulostavaa Airdrawndagger-albumiaan, josta ainakin itse löydän uusia ulottuvuuksia vieläkin lähes vuosikymmen julkaisun jälkeen.

Tsekkaa vaikka Cloud Cuckoo. *piis*