UU CLINIC with JOHN DIGWEED (UK) 25.9.2010 @ DTM, Helsinki

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#1 • • Edited -Clinic-


UU Theory and Clinic proudly present


Saturday 25.9.2010
age 18

Iso Roobertinkatu 28
00120 Helsinki



OPERATION ROOM: (22:00-04:00)

JOHN DIGWEED (Bedrock Records, UK) 3,5 HOUR SET

warm up
Paul Easy (Clinic, After Hours)

OBSERVATION ROOM: (22:00-04:00)

Unik (Pussy eau de Club)

Visions collective (Visions)


Urmaz (Såint)




22:00 Paul Easy


22:00 Flink
23:15 Unik b2b Urmaz
01:30 Visions collective



Vj Metamystik


Precision Audio

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UU Clinic visits booked in advance:

Advance tickets:

22€ from Cybershop (Asematunneli, Kamppi & Itäkeskus) including cloakroom fee, SISÄLTÄÄ NARIKAN!

22€ + booking fee 1,2€ = 23,2€(+ service fee) from Tiketti (http://www.tiketti.fi/) including cloakroom fee, SISÄLTÄÄ NARIKAN!

100 VIP tickets (Only from Tiketti)
Price 30 €€

VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue
-Special gift @ DTM
-No queuing at the afterparty entrance @ Playground (afterparty ticket is not included to the price)
-Tiketti booking fee

Charge at the UU Clinic reception: 25€


John Digweed biography

If you are not an avid follower of dance music but are tuned into popular culture at all youve likely experienced music touched by the hands of John Digweed. Originally hailing from England but having clearly arrived on the global scene nearly a decade ago, John has long since cemented his name in the pages of dance music history. His list of achievements is groundbreaking to say the least.

Highlights would be the first proper dj mix compilation (Renaissance, done with Sasha), being the first British dj to hold a residency at what was then the worlds most well known club in NYC (Twilo, also with Sasha) as well as having remixed tracks by Danny Tenaglia, Underworld and New Order.

John Digweed is a DJ's DJ. The beauty of what he does lies in just how different he really is from his contemporaries. From his early beginnings in Hastings, England at the age of 15 in the blossoming scene of acid house to the apex of the international dj'ing world, he has created and maintained a level of integrity that is the benchmark for both djs and producers globally. In fact, he has reached the very top of his profession, being voted ..1 in a voter's poll by DJ magazine in 2001. John Digweed has become the peoples choice while maintaining his longstanding presence in underground dance culture. His popularity as both a dj and a person seems to have no limits, but his efforts transcend dj'ing alone, he is as much a producer and promoter. His moniker Bedrock is actually three things: a record label, a promotions company and a studio production partnership (with Nick Muir).

His management and creative direction for the Bedrock record label has helped launch the careers of Danny Howells (with Dick Trevor as Science Department), Jimmy Van M, Chris Fortier and Phil Thompson (Moonface). He has had the vision and creative insight to seek out mixes and remixes from artists as varied as Rui Da Silva, POB, Freelance Icebreakers and the Second Hand Satellites. The label has effectively served as a foundation for artistic expression and a medium for creative output, allowing underground artists to break through to a much wider audience. To have a record released on Bedrock serves as the global stamp of production quality, ingenuity and integrity for producers worldwide.

In fact, the name John Digweed is synonymous with quality, ingenuity and integrity. From the nights he has either created or been a part of (Bedrock, Northern Exposure, Renaissance) to his world renowned mix cd's (Renaissance, Global Underground, Northern Exposure, Communicate and Bedrock) he has consistently produced characteristic products that stay in demand, himself included. Even with all of his global traveling he has still been able to hold down two monthly Bedrock residencies in both London (Heaven) and Brighton (The Beach).

As one half of Bedrock the production duo he has landed two tracks in the top 40 (Heaven Scent and For What You Dream Of) the latter of which made it into the hit movie Trainspotting. He has even tried a bit of acting himself ("Groove"). He and Nick Muir as Bedrock the production team also recently scored a Hollywood film (Stark Raving Mad).

His Kiss100 radio show is quickly coming up on its second year as one of the most successful dance music shows in all of England with internet broadcasts to all of the world. It has achieved a near cult status with listeners trading cds and mp3s of the various broadcasts across the internet. John shares his platform weekly by bringing in worldwide guest djs. As a person John's lack of pretense is enveloped in imagination and invention. Good reason for John being one of the most respected, analyzed and imitated dj's in the world. Digweed is both solid and durable with unyielding precision. His sinuous dj'ing and production sound has become its own convincing dance ethic. He is centered to the principles of life, living and friends in such a way that he generates an aura of self-explanatory excitement and enthusiasm. Without heroic pretensions his sets are filled with moodiness and musical mystery but held down with a punchy distinctiveness and earthly rhythm. Always emanating a sense of boundlessness he overlaps dream events that spill into reality with an enormous certainty.





Posts: 421

#3 • • yertle
Yhäkkiä John Digweed *sydän*

Posts: 1,435

#4 • • Jahas
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#5 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
Voi hitto minkä teit CLINIC!!!

PAIKALLA!!!!!!!!! *sydän* *tanssittel*

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 2,102

#6 • • Homegrove Further
Tänne pitäis vissiin tulla. :D

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 7,969

#7 • • sts Sama pyynti aitta!
Kiitos Clinic, pitästä aikaa Diggers laadukkaassa tapahtumassa! Tätä on odotettu.

Posts: 173

#8 • • vel
Kalenteri... Check! Täällä ollaan, kiitos Clinic!

Posts: 14

#10 • • Danza
Täällä!! *sydän*

Posts: 230

#12 • • aivomassa are you ready to lose control ?
paikalla *jiihaa**sydän*

Dont expect us to be quiet !


Posts: 5,533

#13 • • pirpeli
Moikka DTM! Mä oon NIIN TÄÄLLÄ!

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.
-Albert Camus-


Posts: 2,010

#14 • • Viltsu noname
Ääni sille että lippujen hintaa ylös ja väkimäärää alas...

teknoheput vaan hölisee bumbumbum ja sit tulee pläppläppläpböm, ihan jakomielitautista - Remu Aaltonen


Posts: 682

#16 • • Jil
khyyyyylllääää!! Tulee aika kovan luokan bileet.. Saas nähä haastaako jopa prydzin keikan vuoden bileistä.. *tanssittel*
Niin ja mä voin maksaa vaikka 50€ tiketistä jos saan tarpeeks tilaa tanssilattialla!
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#18 • • Edited Jokke L [GoodMusic]

Replying to UU CLINIC with JOHN DIGWEED (UK) 25.9.2010 @ DTM, Helsinki:

Jil, 28.7.2010 20:37:
Niin ja mä voin maksaa vaikka 50€ tiketistä jos saan tarpeeks tilaa tanssilattialla!

Juuri näin! *piis*

edit: sen verran kauan oon venannu et pääsee ton jätkän näkee livenä, et olis ihan kiva jos paikka olis sen verran vajaa et mahtuis tanssii. Eikä muutenkaan tulis kyynerpäästä kokoajan kasvoille. Eli ovelta lippu 2x se mitä tiketistä esim. Mut luotan CLINIC:iin tässä asiassa. :)

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.

mikko a

Posts: 253

#19 • • Edited mikko a further
Käsittämätöntä nillitystä väkimäärästä bileissä??

Onhan se nyt aivan v*tun orvon näköstä jos tanssilattia on 2/3 täynnä ja stagelle näyttää lattia puolityhjältä? Pystyiskö sitä omaa reivaustyyliä hienosäätään sen verran että mahtuis oleen vähän pienemmällä slotilla?

edit: ja noin niinkuin ravintoloitsijan kannalta (viinatakuut jne) on varmaan kans melko typerä veto nostaa lipunhintaa sen takia että vois myydä vähemmän lippuja, vähemmän jengiä, vähemmän myyntiä..

Posts: 682

#20 • • Edited Jil

Replying to UU CLINIC with JOHN DIGWEED (UK) 25.9.2010 @ DTM, Helsinki:

mikko a, 28.7.2010 20:56:
Käsittämätöntä nillitystä väkimäärästä bileissä??

Onhan se nyt aivan v*tun orvon näköstä jos tanssilattia on 2/3 täynnä ja stagelle näyttää lattia puolityhjältä? Pystyiskö sitä omaa reivaustyyliä hienosäätään sen verran että mahtuis oleen vähän pienemmällä slotilla?

Voi jumalauta ymmärsitkö ees sinne päin et mihin viittasin? Siihen että ei tarvis nähä täydellistä katastrofia (tupa täynnä potenssiin 2 ja känniääliöitä potenssiin 17) vaan että jos tällänen stara tuodaan johkin muualle kun sinne pissiscolorsiin niin vois kerrankin toivoa niitä hyviä bileitä. Voidaan palata toki vuoteen 2003 jolloin Digweed oli kaapelilla ja ne on vieläkin mun kaikkien aikojen parhaat bileet. Ei tarvinnu paljoo noita edellä mainittuja asioita sillon miettiä kun ei ollu tollasia ongelmia (toki tilaahan sillon oli potenssiin 4). DTM on niin pieni mesta et voin vaan rukoilla jotta mestaa ei Colors tyyliin niin täyteen tupata. Relax man..