Kovaydin Vastarinta VS Splatterkore
Pvm: 11.8.2010 (keskiviikko)
Aika: 21-02
Paikka: Vastavirta-klubi
Ikäraja: K18
Tyylit: Rajoja kokeilevaa Hardcorea, Breakcorea, nopeaa Psytrancea, Speedcorea, yms.
Kovaydin Vastarinta:
Zutsuu & RujoNic b2b dj set

Splatterkore Reck-ords is a non profit independent underground dance music label and network of artists, musicians and activists, focussed upon the encouragement of free expression of alternative realities and subculture. Our purpose is to integrate and activate the areas of the mind that are socially feared within the collective consciousness, through the use of sonic vibration and electro-static energy.
Mindgrind (UK)

Electronic Doom experimentation from our very own speed-core queen, with her influences ranging from black, death and doom metal to industrial gabba blitzbeat, the sound of this project if only for those who indulge in the dark-psyde.
OmniPresence (UK)

Distortion driven psychedelic tekno trance from brighton, pushing speeds of 160-220 bpm. His mashing of high frequencies and static infusions creates a swamp of electric mess which sends you up and down the electromagnetic spectrum of galactic light and darkness.
Spitting Vitriol (UK)

Combining the sounds of broken breakcore with extreme hard kick drum assault, Spitting Vitriol has gained momentum on the underground party scene, and has given birth to a form of audio destruction with a mind of its own. Known for his outstanding production and experimental diversity, Spitting is pushing the sounds of the underground breakcore crossover revolution.
Noizy Az Fuck (UK)

Mash-war breakcore artist Noizy Az Fuck, combines the sound of Venetian snares at his hardest, with digital hardcore and euro-speedcore influence. Insane amen drum programming and distorted blast beats, sinister samples and computer malfunctions, Noizy Az Fuck is sure to bend your circuits.
Junkie Kut (UK)

Improvised experimental live speedcore/gabba and noize, from an electronic cyborg zombie on crystal meth and post nuclear waste. Armed with the digital tools left over from the last apocalypse, materials that were once used in a over-populated consumer society, are now put to better use, to liberate the humans from state control and corrupt government.
21:00-22:30 RujoNic & Zutsuu b2b
22:30-23:15 OmniPresence
23:15-00:00 Spitting Vitriol
00:00-00:45 Noizy Az Fuck
00:45-01:30 Junkie Kut
(Mindgrind soittaa Splatterkore lafkan biisejä live settien välissä)
Kovaydin Vastarinta tuo englantilaisen Splatterkore Reck-ordsin kesäisen Euroopan kiertueen Suomeen asti. Tänne on hyvä tulla ottamaan irti ne viimeiset juhlahetket kesästä ennen kuin syksy ja masentavat rutiinit alkavat!
Bileissä tulee olemaan myynnissä Splatterkore Reck-ords tavaraa (CD:itä ja vaatetusta).
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