John O'Callaghan @ <-MegaNite->

  From until   Tickets 10€   Age limit: 21…/biog.php  
Dance Club Syke Yliopistonkatu 17, Turku  
elektro, hard, house, trance

John O’Callaghan (Dublin -Armada)
Anton Sonin (High Contrast)
Olli Hultin (Resident)


John O'Callaghan
After spending most of his teenage years listening to rock and hip hop music, John discovered dance music at the age of 18. Not long after, he purchased his first set of decks and practiced every day for the following months. This new found love for dance music, coupled with his interest in computers led him to begin experimenting with music production in 1999.

It wasn't long before he realised his true sound lay in trance music. By 2001 John was immersed in the scene and had generated a large interest in his music by means of Internet music sites and guest radio mixes on National Irish Radio Station 2FM. As his productions developed and his style matured, he produced a number of original tracks and remixes which were played by DJs such as Matt Hardwick, Les Hemstock and Jon O'Bir.


On NYE of 2003 he was invited to DJ at the 2FM Sessions Tour live broadcast from Irish superclub Enigma. This was a huge privilege as it gave him the chance to showcase his productions on a national stage. Following this appearance, he was invited to co-host his own radio show along with Dublin DJ Neal Scarborough every Saturday night. Not only has this lead to wider exposure for his music, but equally helped him to develop and perfect his DJ'ing skills. It wasn't long before John & Neal collaborated together to produce some tracks, most notably "Inertia - The Emerald" which was signed to UK Label Discover Records and was played by Paul Van Dyk.

John O'Callaghan pres. Mannix - Mercury was signed to the biggest record label in the industry, Armin Van Buuren's A State of Trance. This track was played at all 3 Tiesto in Concert. With support from DJs and Producers such as Paul Oakenfold, Tiesto, Armin Van Buuren, Paul van Dyk, Agnelli & Nelson, Matt Hardwick, John Askew, Rank1, and M.I.K.E amongst others, he has slowly cemented himself as one the finest new talents around. With several releases scheduled over the coming months and enquiries for DJ bookings rapidly coming in, the future certainly looks bright for this young Irishman.



Club Syke - Suomen sykähdyttävin dance club

Dance Club Syke on uusi tanssimusiikkiin keskittynyt yökerho Turun sydämessä. Syke panostaa jatkuvalla syötöllä mm. laadukkaisiin live-esiintyjiin ja huippu Dj:hin, joten voit olla varma että fiilis pysyy korkealla aina aamun pikkutunneille asti.

Viileäastä menosta pitävät huolen muun muassa Jäger-shottibaari, ja ainoana Suomessa olevat co2-tykit sekä uniikit valoefektit.

Ainutlaatuisen akustointimme ansiosta musiikki kuulostaa siltä miltä pitääkin, eli menee suoraan ytimeen särkemättä korviasi.

Asiakkaitten turvallisuus on Club Sykkeessä ykkösasia, meillä voit nauttia illasta turvallisin mielin ja keskittyä olennaiseen, eli hauskanpitoon. Toki pieni pilke silmäkulmassa on tervetullutta, mutta ahdisteliolle näytämme ulko-ovea valon nopeudella.

Puhtaus on meille jokaiselle tärkeä asia! Muuttuvassa mailmassa on Syke ottanut asiakseen kantaa oman kortensa kekoon! Meillä siisteydestä ja hygieniasta pidetään erityistä huolta, eikä asiakkaan tarvitse törmätä rikkoituneisiin laseihin tai törkyisiin wc-tiloihin.

Tervetuloa hauskanpidon maailmaan,
tervetuloa Club Syke maailmaan!


Ennakkoliput tiketistä kympillä!
Juuri siksi ovelle on varattu vielä 200 lippua ja nekin vain 12€/kpl :)

Ne onnekkaat ketkä ovat onnistuneet saamaan Sykkeen vapaalippuja pystyvät hyödyntämään niitä myös tänään!!!

Ja mainittakoon vielä kerran että ikä on mielen tila ja asialliset klubbarit pääsevät sisään vaikkei K21 aivan täyttyisikään ;)