Eraser (Evsy,Faerie Dragon) Live
Nebula Meltdown (Suntrip rec.) Live
Igor Swamp (Antiscarp rec) Live
Kolibriscope (Nectarium)
Indigo (Sininen)
Getafix (Sokeaa Euforiaa)
Shishya (Sunstation)
Sono Ecstasy (Synchro)
Om (Synchro)
Peter Pan (Goa, Entropy)
Deco by
Place : Club Playground Sat 6.6 22-04
This party is dedicated to alternative forms of technology that have been kept from the publics eye. Clean forms of energy-producing technology are a reality.
We will try to focus on some technologies that are very beneficial for humanity.
Nämä juhlat ovat siis omistettu vaihtoehtoisten energiantuottamisteknologioiden esittelemiseen. Teknologia on ollut olemassa kauan mutta johtavat tahot eivät halua niiden leviämistä. Keskitymme joihinkin jotka ovat hyvin suotuisia ihmiskunnalle.
Expect fast,funky and fluorotastic psytrance with goa headnods and forest flavours on the Orgonite floor as for deep,glitchy and tribal techno on the Tesla floor.
Timetable Orgonite floor
22-23 Kolibriscope
23-00 Getafix
00-01 Nebula Meltdown-live
01-02.30 Eraser-Live
02.30-03.30 Igor Swamp-Live
Time table Tesla floor:
22-23.30 Om (Om is an alias of DJ Soma (Exogenic))
23.30-00.30 Peter Pan
00.30-02.00 Indigo
02.00-03.30 Sono ecstasy
Good vibes for all! Positive feedbackloops into the future!