DJ Patient, I <3 Lesbians -DJ:t Stuffin Muffins & Adolf Hipster
Kesä tulossa, pitäis laihduttaa pari kiloa että pääsis kesäkuntoon ja näyttäis samalta ku noi tyypit mainoksissa.. TUSKIN! On aika romuttaa heteroseksistiset ajattelumallit ja juhlia elokuvien, työryhmien, konserttien ja muun mukavan puuhan parissa LADYFEST09 -tapahtumassa!
Tule viettämään torstai-iltaa laadukkaiden leffojen, maukkaan keskustelun sekä mehukkaan musiikin parissa! Ladyfest HKI avajaisklubilla 7.5 tarjotin on täysi ja kuppi piripintaan täytetty!
-Queeruption, 100min (engl.) + keskustelua
Leeway - A Story of Queeruption Vancouver 2007,
Kanada 2008, 100 min
Directors: Liza lindgren and Zoey Melinek
Documentary about Queeruption 2007 in Sechelt Territory, in Vancouver, Kanada. The film deals with racism/colonialism, accessibility and sobriety within the queer community.
-Tierra de Mujeres 57min (tekstitys engl.)
Indigenous women fighting for a dignified life in Chiapas, Mexico
We indigenous women do not have good food. We do not have dignified housing. We do not have health services or education. We have no work programs, and so we scrape by in poverty.
Comandante Esthers Address to the Mexican Congress of the Union. March 28th, 2001
Being indigenous in Chiapas, Mexico, generally means being poor and discriminated because of your dress, language, music, traditions and culture. And its even harder for indigenous women because they often have no rights even within their own society.
The EZLN uprising on January 1st 1994 was a turning point, at least for Zapatista women. Chiapanecan women organize in cooperatives, in religious womens groups, in theatre projects and take responsibility for their own lives. Step by step they strike back in daily life, defend their villages against military incursions. Peasant women, teachers, believers, craftswomen, midwifes - they are all fighting for a better future, each one out of her own reality.
Tierra de mujeres - Land of women is a testimonial of those developments. Accompanied by expressive pictures, women talk about their lives, their difficulties and fears, their hopes.
A film by Adriana Estrada, Chiapas 2003
- multilingual DVD PAL, 57 min
- Spanish with English subtitles
-Moninainen 10min (suomi)
Moninainen esittelee kaksi ammattinaista. Drag-hahmo Sirkka Tälli kutsuu itseään professional party girliksi ja nauttii valtavasti kaikista upeista juhlistaan. Naistutkija, professori Leena-Maija Rossi on tutkinut sukupuolta ja naiseutta jo vuosien ajan. Elokuva esittelee näiden kahden erilaisen naisen ajatuksia.