Kovaydin Vastarinta loudly presents:
Brainbashers 2!
Urim (Kolina-produktio)
Decion (Koneradio)
Elysion (Concussion, NuBreaks, Spinni)
Tapp (PUG)
RujoNic (Kolina-produktio, Koneradio)
Schmerz (Gabbermex)
xl8r (harder.fi)
DoomsDay Sounds [LIVE] (Kovaydin Vastarinta)
Zutsuu [LIVE] (Kovaydin Vastarinta)
iGoA [LIVE] (Braindestruction Recordz, Terrornoize Industry, Speedcore) VS
Stan Grewzell [LIVE] (Industrial Strength Records)
VJ Dep vs. VJ Move
iGoA VS Stan Grewzell

Stan Grewzell alias iGoA alias Stephan Wagner discovered his passion about producing own music in the early 90´s when the famous Commodore Amiga 500 computer and first tracker programs came out. He started first experiments with a lent Amiga 500 from a friend. Later he got his own personal computer and went on producing his own sound. First in 2004 he tried to present his sound to the world. At a party for newcomer DJs and live acts presented by Marc Acardipane he did a live act with own hardcore and speedcore productions. After first strike, many live acts at several parties in Germany, Switzerland and Austria followed. In this time iGoA released his speedcore hit Ich höre was on Terrornoize Industry. Other releases followed on Speedcore Records and Doomsday Rec.. Since 2006 he has also produced slow and dark music under the name Stan Grewzell. In 2007 Stan Grewzells first release came out on Industrial Strength Records.
20:00-21:00 Urim (DnB/Hardcore)
21:00-22:00 Decion (Hardcore/Darkcore)
22:00-23:00 Elysion (DnB)
23:00-00:00 Tapp (Industrial Hardcore)
00:00-01:00 RujoNic (Hardcore/Breakcore)
01:00-02:30 iGoA vs Stan Grewzell [LIVE] (Doomcore/Hardcore/Speedcore)
02:30-03:30 Schmerz (Hardcore/Breakcore)
03:30-04:30 xl8r (Hardcore/Frenchcore)
04:30-05:00 DoomsDay Sounds [LIVE] (Hardcore/Speedcore)
05:00-05:30 Zutsuu [LIVE] (Hardcore/Speedcore)
05:30-??:?? Open Decks
Invitation only! Jos haluat mukaan tapahtumaan katso tarkemmat ohjeet nettisaitiltamme.