Miika Kuisma is at the forefront of the Finnish club scene having started out producing tracks in the mid-90. Since then Miika has produced and released approx 30 tracks, droves of remixes and two full studio albums.
Thanks to Miikas philosophical outlook on life he strives to not be restricted to one style of music, envisioning music to be a form of expression of self, question the old, break boundaries.
Tiberiuz - Deep Passage: http://klubitus.org/musiikki.php?id=5911
Special Happy Hours 21-00!!
21.00-22.15 Ivari R
22.15-23.30 Michael K
23.30-00.45 Sointu
00.45-02.15 Miika Kuisma
02.15-03.30 Tiberiuz