Taste(Club Diamond, BassoRadio, Sexy Thursdays KY), Polarsoul(The Juice, Bassoradio), Mack-a-licious(Hunajaklubi, The Juice), 2 Litran Juissi(Hunajaklubi, The Juice) Kuusiokolor(The Juice) Hip-hop, Rnb, Dancehall Reggae, Carribbean rhytms n hottest Dancemusik from all tyme!!! THAT'S THE JOINT RRIGHT THERRE! THE JUICE KLUBIN AVAUSBILEET HESARILLA Yliopistonkatu 8, 00100 Helsinki FACEBOOK Cooler than a polarbear toenails Dj's TASTE (Club Diamond, Sexy Thursdays) POLARSOUL (The Juice, Bassoradio) MACK-A-LICIOUS (The Juice, Hunajaklubi resident) 2 LITRAN JUISSI (The Juice, Hunajaklubi resident) KUUSIOKOLOR (The Juice, Hunajaklubi resident) Hip-hop, Rnb, Dancehall Reggae, Carribbean rhytms n hottest Dancemusik from all tyme!!! SISÄÄN 7 http://www.myspace.com/klubi http://www.helsinkiclub.com http://http://www.turnin-point.com http://www.metropoli.net