DJ MARI FERRARI DJ MARI FERRARI (Commercial house) MARI FERRAR- The most beautiful girl DJ of Russia who not only skillfully working on plates, but also on public, making them crazy under her quality music. If you love qualitative music, belive in expression " Beauty will rescue the world " you are waited with night of excellent music in execution stylish and sexual DJ MARI FERRARI. If you think, that work of DJ consists only in rolling of plates, MARI FERRARI will prove you the right. She is not simply rolling plates, she does it with special style. Her manner to communicate with public, Her artistry and sexuality do everyone set unforgettable. She is independent and self-assured, She is an master in her music and is able to present it correctly. MARI FERRARI represents the girl of modern city with an active way of life, bright and constantly developing. She is most beautiful TOPLESS DJ of Russia.