From until   Tickets 30€   Age limit: 24   http://www.clubunity.org  
chill, house, trance

Slusnik Luna
Unity Collective
Lowland Piano Concert
DJ Indigo

Unity The Island 2008 - Magical Masquerade

The coming August Unity will say farewell to Uunisaari. The last Unity The Island will be held on Saturday the 2nd of August, 2008. We urge you to join us in this last dance to make this night one to never forget. Unity is, and has always been, all about you, the people creating the atmosphere. All of us doing it together, in unity.

You will see old friends and perhaps unite with a few new ones on a miniature holiday for grownup ravers. You will join a crazy- friendly-all-together-hands-in-the-air future tribal ritual with hippies and bankers. You will experience peace, love, unity and respect, all hand-made with love for you. You will enjoy drinks and a guaranteed hangover too! We can’t wait to see the smiling faces arriving to The Island with minds full of excitement and bags full of food and drinks.

There will be a DJ Orkidea six hour set in his purest tone, a chance for him to exhibit his true musical vision. Slusnik Luna will appear live, maybe even on stage, Unity Collective promises to go super eclectic in Klubiza, Lowland will put a tear in your eye with his piano concert on the beach, and DJ Indigo will sooth you to somewhere between dream and the campfire. We are rooted in the kikkelitrance culture of the 90s while keeping the music fresh and up-to-date.

We may sound naive, but we are members of the first rave generation and proud of it. We long for the honest spirit of the illegal raves of the early 90s. It will be a celebration of life but also a tribute to a lost Friend, Unity primus motor Harri Aalto. Rest in peace dear friend. You are always with us.

It’s been an amazing five years in Uunisaari but now it’s time to move on. This culture has always been about constant progression and closing one page usually opens a new one… Forwards ever, backwards never. To celebrate the ending of an era, the last Unity The Island will be a Magical Masquerade. Transform yourself into someone else and throw your hands in the air, just like you don’t care. This is not Ibiza, this is not Miami, this is Uunisaari.

Favorites 345

Burncycle, hakki, Homegrove, Iige*, Janisa, katai, keijukainen, mmat, pululu, xybo and 335 others ▾
*hymy*, *jopo, *sarah*, -Casper-, -David-, -Esukka-, -katsu-, -Kerttu-, -Santtu-, -Tomppa-, -xx-, 5thSaint, a, A n t t i, Aamu, AdonisHercules, aform, Aidan, Air, akiapina, akir0, Aksu, Alyna, Amma, anco, Anime, annabel, anniini, anqqa, Anselmi, Anskubansku, anthocyan, antonsonin, Apo, Armadance, Aune-mummo, aurinko, Bahiaz, barbababa, bates, beach82, Bedrock, blastic, Bonk, Breikki, Caro², Cosmo, Crazybattery, daffy, Daniel Braun, Dave, daydream, Diskohai, Displacer, Dneya, Dr. SYKErö, Drak0, Duracell, eevuski, egmondo, eksu, Elias, Ellah, ElNiño, Elsa F, embie, enrg, eonik, essick, Fibula, FreeMan, Freja, Funkyhazzaz, Ghettis, gluester, hannaok, Hanz, Hattis, heiskanen, Henna, Henrik Doom, HippaLord, hiski, Honey-K, Howdy, Hule, Hupsu, Härdelli, iam, ianna ei anna!, iBOU, IInesAnkka, Ike, ilonana, Impezki, inch, Indigo, Irina, Ironraver1, irrrma, isokeksi, itis, Izabel, J.Mellouw, Jace, JaE, Jago, Jahas, Jammailija, Janne, jansqu, Jaques, Jasmine, jessie, jesy, Jinx, jjkobsson, Jna, JR Ewing, juGis, juju, Jupe, Jääkarhu, kaamos82, kala, kamu-, katrihana, Kayu, kean, keisha, kemuttaja, killer_cat, Kipinä, kissi, KitSu, klaudio, Kon-tiki, kovas, kriba, KriiKS, Kriz, kullannuppu, Kultakisu, kyläpäällikkö, LaHna, laranya, Larbando, larpap, Late, Laura, Liekki, LilyRose, Link, lohikarme, Lyra, m.o.s, M.Q., Maako, maiu, Mar6, mariq, marjaliisa, Marjo, Mark, Markus Rauramo, Maximum, maximus, mayah, MEinesalo, meisi, mekaanikko, merqus, Mervi, Miazu, Michelle.s, mikko a, Miksan, Millatuulia, mimugzu, mini me, Minsqu, Misc Management, Miss Piggy, miss tigry, miss-madam, MissKoo, mniittymaki, moksu, Mooger Fooger, Mori, moskiitto, mr.a, mrhotcakes, MrP, Mussu, N.D., Naani, naksuilija, Nefertete, Neige, Nelly, neonn, netta, nicky, Niko Geselle, ninhu, Nitta, nnexus, nora, nunnuka, OCS, Oden, okiru, OlliS, op-, Orfeus, ottonivus, Oupii, p3trus, Pablo, palava, Paperino, paupau, Peak, Peppi Pitkätossu, peteh, phoenixbird, piotr, Prime Number, Progress, Prototyyppi, pyllyjumala, Päivänkakkara, Pätkis, QSR, r0n, Radarski, Radiac, Rampe, ramsau, riina--, Riksu, Riku, Rinik, Roksane, rymd, S-A-T-U, s4ga, Saara, samlainio, Sampson, Samu, Samu81, sapeli, scr, Sepistö, SereCat, serge, sheDevil, silva, Simon Templar, sinihh, sipe, Sir Paramount, Skipi, slirppa, SmO, snox, soba19, Sorrow, Space Cowboy, Spock, Steven Hoaks, Stike-Z, Stresspill, sunbeam, SuttiS, taitsu, Tapi, TeknoLutka, temb, terraluna, thomas, tidii, Tiku, Timce, timoteus, Tinja, Tintti, Tom, Tombe, tomppi, Tony Profondo, Tony#5, TonySt, Toykio, Trixie, tuhma hoitaja, Tutkanalle, Tyeicha, Tyranoid, Tytti, Töölön Prinsessa, UKrep, ulriqa, Umbala, Unik, unitoni, UrmaZ, vaavu, vanhus, Verano, Veronika, vike, ville, Waide, wallah, Wegez, wicked, Wiko, Wille, wiukkis, X-fever, xandra, xlk, xplode, Yustix, YuuricaZ, Zandy, Zeratul, Zwek, _Katja_, `Energie, `norah`, ~hyny~