Dj Soundstroke (Australia), Upi (Räyhä), Mitja Nylund (Räyhä)
It is french, it has an effecting melody and people can sometimes hear it in the form of housebeats, rock riffs and some hip-hop vibes. The point is just to keep listening to those bumping beats and disturbing electronic guitars. It is fashionable as all those other genres you can hear this night and you can really feel it in your chest! This is what we call electro! ...French electro...
Suameks siis soitetaa taloo ja baltimorree ja vaihtoehtost taloo ja vähä jopa dupisteppii. Syäkää patonkinne, koska sellaisia tulette saamaan! Dj Soundstroke aussienmaalta tulee vahvistamaan kovaakin kovempaa musatarjontaa, joten olkaahan ajoissa paikalla herran räväkkää hittiputkea varten!