Kalle Miettinen [Radiomafia]
Flight [Resident]
Plauge DJs:
Herman Prime
22oo Kalle Miettinen
23oo OlliS
01oo Kalle Miettinen
02oo Flight
Valo / Lounge
Herman Prime vs. Dalion vs. drS
THE VIDEO: Now Released!
Romance - Love & Heat On The Floor
Promo Video 2008 - Tampere, Finland
> http://www.romance-event.com/
Romance - Commence Your Summer <3
Moment: Saturday 31.05.2008 | 22oo-04oo
Place: Laterna & Valo, Puutarhakatu 11, Tampere
Ticket: 7 euros (from door only, be early) | K18
> romance-event.com
> facebook group
> facebook event
Main Stage LATERNA
OlliS YleX

> djollis.net | Foreplay For Romance -mixtape
Kalle Miettinen Radiomafia

Flight Resident

> djflight.com
Plauge Lounge VALO
Herman Prime
> myspace.com/plaugetre
Visuals by ACA
Light Show by UzU
Plauge presents
Romance WarmUp - Saturday 24.05
21oo-02oo @ Kahvila Valo, Tampere
> More Info