AERO -Buenos Aires-

  From until   Tickets 10€  
Helsinki Club

Gordon Edge (Subliminal Records, Bora Bora, Ibiza)
Juju (resident)
Easy Coma (Bugeyed Records)
Oded Peled (Misc)
Introvert (Underwater,Triangle)

Parker Kane (Aero)
Vj Random Doctors

This bustling metropolis of the south has eleven million inhabitants, which makes it one of the biggest cities in the world. It is also the busiest and most refined city in South América. Nowhere in the world do people dance and party as much as they do in Buenos Aires!

You are welcome to celebrate the 1 year journey of Aero with the people you love!

Get in the mood.. new mix of our headliner - Gordon Edge

Get your tickets in advance from Memphis for 8 !


We are sorry to inform that Johnny Boy will not be able to join us this evening due to a high fever. We are sad for this to happen and hope he will get better soon!

This will make new arrangements in the whole setup!

Introvert will be joined to play together with Oded Peled in the lounge for the whole evening, when Easy Coma will take over the slot from Johnny Boy.

Introvert and Oded Peled have together produced music soon to be released on Darren Emersons label Underwater and Orlando Voorns label Triangle Records. This will be their first gig together, ever!

Main Room:
22:00-22:30 Juju take off
22:30-00:30 Easy Coma
00:30-02:30 Gordon Edge
02:30-03:30 Juju landing

23:00-03:30 Oded Peled together with Introvert

Topic upgraded with bios !;sivu=1

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