Please, please help me to indentify these tunes

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#1 • • Edited Jivemaster
This clip has three tunes mixed in. I have posted this a few times on many different forums and am still no closer to finding out what it is. The first track sounds a bit like Jens -Loops & Tings being mixed into some awesome electric guitar tune with the final tune being Coldplay - Viva La Vida (Scott Bond Remix). Any help on these will be much obliged. Many people claim to have heard the first tune being told all sorts like it could be Steve Morley, Cosmic Gate, 4 Strings, Fire & Ice etc. I have followed up with all of these and have been told that it's not one of their tunes but it sounds catchy and familiar. Maybe it might be Matt Darey.......I've searched and searched for a good year and a bit now.

Any help would be much appreciated :)