Uptopia Sundays [Boston, MA] - March 2008 Lineups

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#1 • • souldonkey1620 Guest
Named by Boston magazine as DJ of the year in 2006 (http://www.bostonmagazine.com/best_of/188546), DJ Bruno's long-running Utopia Sundays has booked everyone from The Soul Donkey to The Martinez Brothers over the years. WMC 2006 participants will recall how nuts the "Boston Underground" event got at last year's conference. We take our party seriously up here! If you're ever in Greater Boston on a Sunday night, this is where you need to be. Everyone on this site has a friend at university in Boston - tell them about Utopia and get a head start on karma building for your next life.

The Soul Donkey apologizes for not being able to speak Finnish.


Love and happiness,

Rodney Marable a.k.a. The Soul Donkey