DJ Halogon sets?

45 posts, 3 pages, 7,286 views

#41 • • Halogen Guest
Hello Hans,

Nice to hear from you that you like aqtivate 7. It seems a lot of people are looking for the other 6 parts so im going to put them online soon. Please check out my website within a week or so, i will put them online soon!

Strange thing youre message never reached me.. anyway hope you'll leave a message in my guestbook when you are visiting my site. Thanks :)

Greetz from Holland,

good morning people,
i am looking voor DJ Halogon sets part 1 to 6.
i af got aqtivate 07 and think its very relaxing music :excellent:
but i can't find the other sets from him, i have contacted him but had no replay can some one help me

thnx HouseHans from Holland :hearts:

#42 • • Remotion Guest
Platinum seems to be a point of action.
Househans has just hit the bullseye.