Tullut lähikuukausina keskityttyä discogsin marketplaceen, on jäänyt uudemmat levyt vähemmälle. Piti välillä hankkia vähän tuoreempiakin:
Alex Bau - CREDO 3 [Credo 12"]
Antena - CAMINO DEL SOL / JOAKIM & TODD TERJE REMIX [Permanent Vacation 12"]
Aril Brikha - AKIRE [Pokerflat 12"]
Aril Brikha - WINTER EP [Kompakt 12"]
Boundzound - LOUDER [Island 12"]
Estroe - DRIVEN [Connoisseur Superieur 12"]
Faze Action - IN THE TREES PART 2 [Juno 12"]
Foster - LOUD MINORITY [Drumpoet Community 12"]
Holy Ghost - MAD MONKS [Flying Circus 12"]
John Tejada - The End Of It All [Palette 12"]
Kawabata - KADENA [Drumpoet Community 12"]
Kris Menace ft. Fred Falke - FAIRLIGHT [Compuphonic 12"]
Mudd - PLOT OF LAND [Rong 12"]
Musik Gewinnt Freunde - MUSIK GEWINNT FREUNDE 2 [Musik Gewinnt Freunde 12"]
Quarion - KARASU [Drumpoet Community 12"]
Soultourist - TURN LOOSE [Drumpoet Community 12"]
Soultourist - YEAH [Drumpoet Community 12"]
Thabo - TAKE ROOT [Drumpoet Community 12"]
Theo Parrish - FALLING UP REMIXES [Syncrophone 2x12"]
Tracey Thorn - ITS ALL TRUE [Virgin 12"]
Map Of Africa - MAP OF AFRICA [Whatever We Want Records LP]